Section of Materials processing and applications

After the LEHCEB treatment, the corrosion resistance of the coatings increased significantly, as evidenced by the decrease in corrosion current and the increase in polarization resistance. In addition, the bond strength of the coatings also increased, as evidenced by the increase in critical load from 9.9 to 19.2 N.

Low-energy high-current electron beam treatment of composite coatings based on diatomite and ZrO2 particles

After the LEHCEB treatment, the corrosion resistance of the coatings increased significantly, as evidenced by the decrease in corrosion current and the increase in polarization resistance. In addition, the bond strength of the coatings also increased, as evidenced by the increase in critical load from 9.9 to 19.2 N.
M.B. Sedelnikova, A.D. Kashin, P.V. Uvarkin, Y.P. Sharkeev, N.A. Luginin, M.A. Khimich, K.V. Ivanov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 216-222

A novel metal-matrix composite, in which a soft Al-matrix is strengthened by hard and inert Pt-particles was obtained. Severe plastic deformation and large shear strain implemented under HPT lead to the formation of solid solutions and the amorphization on the interfaces.

Structure and microhardness of Al-Pt composites produced through consolidation of the elemental chips by high pressure torsion

A novel metal-matrix composite, in which a soft Al-matrix is strengthened by hard and inert Pt-particles was obtained. Severe plastic deformation and large shear strain implemented under HPT lead to the formation of solid solutions and the amorphization on the interfaces.
E.G. Volkova, A.A. Livinets, T.P. Tolmachev, A.I. Valiullin, A.A. Gavrilova, B.D. Antonov, V.P. Pilyugin, A.Yu. Volkov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 198-203

A material with a gradient porous structure was produced by the method of layer-by-layer deposition of the powder mixtures. Permeability of materials with gradient porous structure was increased by 30 – 57 % due to the use of the coarse porous layer.

Structure and permeability of porous material from titanium carbide produced with porogens of various dispersion

A material with a gradient porous structure was produced by the method of layer-by-layer deposition of the powder mixtures. Permeability of materials with gradient porous structure was increased by 30 – 57 % due to the use of the coarse porous layer.
V.S. Shustov, V.A. Zelensky, A.B. Ankudinov, A.S. Ustyukhin, M.I. Alymov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 2 Pages: 125-129

After 10 passes of friction stir processing (FSP) three phases are observed - the aluminum matrix, NiO and Al3Ni particles. It should be noted that there are no traces of NiO remaining inside the Al3Ni particles. Thus, an acceleration of the chemical reaction occurred between the 4th and 10th passes of friction stir processing (FSP), leading to the formation of a significantly larger quantity of Al3Ni and Al2O3 particles.

Growth of Al3Ni particles during friction stir processing of the AA6063+NiO composite

After 10 passes of friction stir processing (FSP) three phases are observed - the aluminum matrix, NiO and Al3Ni particles. It should be noted that there are no traces of NiO remaining inside the Al3Ni particles. Thus, an acceleration of the chemical reaction occurred between the 4th and 10th passes of friction stir processing (FSP), leading to the formation of a significantly larger quantity of Al3Ni and Al2O3 particles.
I.S. Sugonyako, D.B. Kabirova, N.F. Khayretdinov, R.F. Fazlyakhmetov, M.F. Imayev
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Year: 2023 Volume: 13     Issue: 4s Pages: 431-437

The Ti-50.8 at.% Ni (TiNi) medical alloy wire samples with bioinert PVD-coatings of different compositions were studied. The elastic-force characteristics (phase yield strength σM, mechanical hysteresis value ΔH, residual deformation εres, and unloading plateau stress σc) of TiNi have been studied based on the stress-strain curves obtained at different temperatures (5°С, 19°С, 37°С, and 60°С).

Mechanical properties of TiNi medical alloy with bioinert coatings

The Ti-50.8 at.% Ni (TiNi) medical alloy wire samples with bioinert PVD-coatings of different compositions were studied. The elastic-force characteristics (phase yield strength σM, mechanical hysteresis value ΔH, residual deformation εres, and unloading plateau stress σc) of TiNi have been studied based on the stress-strain curves obtained at different temperatures (5°С, 19°С, 37°С, and 60°С).
V.V. Rubanik, D.A. Bahrets, V.V. Rubanik jr., V.I. Urban, V.G. Dorodeiko, V.A. Andreev, N.M. Chekan, I.P. Akula
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Year: 2023 Volume: 13     Issue: 4 Pages: 353-356

The effect of multi-directional isothermal forging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ferritic-martensitic steel EK-181 was studied. As a result, a submicrocrystalline fragmented structure with fine M23C6 particles was formed, which provides an increase in strength properties.

Influence of multi-directional isothermal forging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low activation ferritic-martensitic steel for nuclear reactors

The effect of multi-directional isothermal forging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ferritic-martensitic steel EK-181 was studied. As a result, a submicrocrystalline fragmented structure with fine M23C6 particles was formed, which provides an increase in strength properties.
V.V. Osipova, N.A. Polekhina, I.Y. Litovchenko, K.V. Spiridonova, V.M. Chernov, M.V. Leontieva-Smirnova
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Year: 2023 Volume: 13     Issue: 4s Pages: 403-407

The increase in the specific electrical capacitance of C-matrices as a result of the introduction of the most efficient fillers is 250–450%, depending on the type of matrix, filler, and potential scan rate.

Carbon matrix nanostructured composites as a new type of supercapacitor electrode materials

The increase in the specific electrical capacitance of C-matrices as a result of the introduction of the most efficient fillers is 250–450%, depending on the type of matrix, filler, and potential scan rate.
Y.A. Zakharov, G.Y. Simenyuk, T.O. Sergina, N.V. Ivanova, T.A. Larichev, I.Y. Zykov, Y.N. Dudnikova
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Year: 2023 Volume: 13     Issue: 1 Pages: 20-27

Studies of the effect of the introduction of charged aluminum oxyhydroxide (AO) nanoparticles into calcium phosphate porous coatings formed by micro-arc oxidation on their electrical potential and structure are presented.  An increase in the duration of ultrasonic dispersion of initial AlN powder suspension from 10 to 60 min and an increase in the surface roughness of the coatings, parameter Ra, from 3.5 to 5.5 µm led to an increase in the surface electrical potential from −85 to −35 mV.

Structure and electrical potential of calcium phosphate coatings modified with aluminum oxyhydroxide nanoparticles

Studies of the effect of the introduction of charged aluminum oxyhydroxide (AO) nanoparticles into calcium phosphate porous coatings formed by micro-arc oxidation on their electrical potential and structure are presented. An increase in the duration of ultrasonic dispersion of initial AlN powder suspension from 10 to 60 min and an increase in the surface roughness of the coatings, parameter Ra, from 3.5 to 5.5 µm led to an increase in the surface electrical potential from −85 to −35 mV.
V.V. Chebodaeva, M.B. Sedelnikova, A.D. Kashin, O.V. Bakina, I.A. Khlusov, A.L. Zharin, V.S. Egorkin, I.E. Vyaliy, Y.P. Sharkeev
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Year: 2022 Volume: 12     Issue: 4 Pages: 336-342

The presence of N and S atoms which spread evenly on the hydrogel structure was confirmed by energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) mapping. The introduction of NS doping into the rGOH structure improves the sample's electrochemical performance compared to the undoped sample.

Synthesis and characterization NS-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel and its electrochemical properties

The presence of N and S atoms which spread evenly on the hydrogel structure was confirmed by energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) mapping. The introduction of NS doping into the rGOH structure improves the sample's electrochemical performance compared to the undoped sample.
A. Nugroho, F. Erviansyah, D. Floresyona, S. Mahalingam, A. Manap, N. Afandi, K. Lau, C. Chia
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Year: 2022 Volume: 12     Issue: 2 Pages: 169-174

An ultrasonic treatment prevents the formation of cavities and allows to produce the NiTi sample at higher pre-heating temperature. An increase in pre-heating temperature increases the width of reacted  zone that leads to  efective infleunces of the USV on the sample structure.

Influence of pre-heating temperature and ultrasonic vibration treatment on the structure and martensitic transformations in NiTi foams produced by SHS

An ultrasonic treatment prevents the formation of cavities and allows to produce the NiTi sample at higher pre-heating temperature. An increase in pre-heating temperature increases the width of reacted zone that leads to efective infleunces of the USV on the sample structure.
N. Resnina, V. Rubanik jr., V. Rubanik, S. Belyaev, V. Bysha, V. Kalganov, D. Chepela
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Year: 2022 Volume: 12     Issue: 2 Pages: 164-168

After rotary forging at 700°°C, the alloy manifests the best combination of the structural, mechanical, and functional characteristics. In this state, the long-length bar stock demonstrates a homogeneous grain structure with a certain fraction of a dynamically polygonized substructure of β-phase, a satisfactory strength (UTS=580 MPa), a low Young’s modulus (E=35 GPa), high difference between dislocation and phase yield strength (Δσ = 280 MPa), and a relatively large amount of superelastic recovery strain (εrSEmax=3.12%).

Effect of forging temperature on the structure, mechanical and functional properties of superelastic Ti-Zr-Nb bar stock for biomedical applications

After rotary forging at 700°°C, the alloy manifests the best combination of the structural, mechanical, and functional characteristics. In this state, the long-length bar stock demonstrates a homogeneous grain structure with a certain fraction of a dynamically polygonized substructure of β-phase, a satisfactory strength (UTS=580 MPa), a low Young’s modulus (E=35 GPa), high difference between dislocation and phase yield strength (Δσ = 280 MPa), and a relatively large amount of superelastic recovery strain (εrSEmax=3.12%).
K.E. Lukashevich, V.A. Sheremetyev, A.A. Kudryashova, M.A. Derkach, V.A. Andreev, S.P. Galkin, S.D. Prokoshkin, V. Brailovski
PDF PDF  Article
Year: 2022 Volume: 12     Issue: 1 Pages: 54-58

Structure of the high-entropy alloy irradiated by an electron beam with the energy density of 30 J/cm2. Temperature distribution on time throughout the depth for the energy density Es = 30 J/cm2.

The mechanism of formation of surface micro- and nanostructures in the AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy during electron-beam treatment

Structure of the high-entropy alloy irradiated by an electron beam with the energy density of 30 J/cm2. Temperature distribution on time throughout the depth for the energy density Es = 30 J/cm2.
S.A. Nevskii, S.V. Konovalov, K.A. Osintsev, Y.F. Ivanov, A.Y. Granovskii, V.E. Gromov
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 3 Pages: 309-314

A successful attempt to incorporate knowledge obtained from severe plastic deformations into the AA5XXX series aluminum alloys treatment has been made.  These advantages allowed revealing age hardenable mechanisms in non-age-hardenable alloy AA5XXX. All side investigation of structure and properties was made.

Effect of initial state and processing temperature on structure and properties under hot torsion of AA5754 alloy

A successful attempt to incorporate knowledge obtained from severe plastic deformations into the AA5XXX series aluminum alloys treatment has been made. These advantages allowed revealing age hardenable mechanisms in non-age-hardenable alloy AA5XXX. All side investigation of structure and properties was made.
A. Kulakowska, K. Laber, H. Dyja, A. Zavdoveev
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 3 Pages: 233-238

Distribution of temperature, effective strain, displacement of material points and microhardness shows that a 2.0-mm-length pin is preferable for friction stir processing of  2024 aluminum alloy sheet.

Effect of the length of the tool pin on the hardening of 2024 aluminum alloy under friction stir processing

Distribution of temperature, effective strain, displacement of material points and microhardness shows that a 2.0-mm-length pin is preferable for friction stir processing of 2024 aluminum alloy sheet.
A.K. Valeeva, A.K. Akhunova, D.B. Kabirova, M.F. Imayev, R.F. Fazlyakhmetov
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 2 Pages: 119-124

An important distinctive feature of the frictional treatment of the composite NiCrBSi-Cr3C2 coating is to obtain a smoothed surface with protruding 2-5 microns chromium carbides Cr3C2, which form a high-strength supporting "island frames".

Features of frictional treatment of the composite NiCrBSi-Cr3C2 laser clad coating

An important distinctive feature of the frictional treatment of the composite NiCrBSi-Cr3C2 coating is to obtain a smoothed surface with protruding 2-5 microns chromium carbides Cr3C2, which form a high-strength supporting "island frames".
N.N. Soboleva, A.V. Makarov, E.P. Zavarzina, P.A. Skorynina, I.Y. Malygina
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Year: 2020 Volume: 10     Issue: 4 Pages: 506-511

In the present work, the efficiency of pulsed photon processing in increasing the hardness and adhesive strength of the surface of hot-pressed semiconductor thermoelectric branches based on the Bi2Te3-Bi2Se3 (n-type) and Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 (p-type) solid solutions. This is achieved by stimulating local recrystallization of the defective layer near the surface of semiconductor branches at a depth of 100-200 nm.

Photon treatment effect on the hardness and surface adhesion of thermoelectric legs based on Bi2Te3‑Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3‑Sb2Te3 systems

In the present work, the efficiency of pulsed photon processing in increasing the hardness and adhesive strength of the surface of hot-pressed semiconductor thermoelectric branches based on the Bi2Te3-Bi2Se3 (n-type) and Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 (p-type) solid solutions. This is achieved by stimulating local recrystallization of the defective layer near the surface of semiconductor branches at a depth of 100-200 nm.
E.K. Belonogov, V.A. Dybov, A.V. Kostyuchenko, S.B. Kushev, D.V. Serikov, S.A. Soldatenko, M.P. Sumets
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Year: 2020 Volume: 10     Issue: 2 Pages: 189-194

The proposed and studied method of continuous alternating deformation by bending of workpieces around a rotating roller, aimed at hardening long axisymmetric workpieces with a slight change in their cross-section.

Characteristics of the stress-strain state and structural changes in axisymmetric samples under sign-alternating deformation by free and constrained bending

The proposed and studied method of continuous alternating deformation by bending of workpieces around a rotating roller, aimed at hardening long axisymmetric workpieces with a slight change in their cross-section.
G.I. Raab, D.A. Aksenov, R.N. Asfandiyarov, A.G. Raab, I.S. Kodirov, M. Janeček
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Year: 2019 Volume: 9     Issue: 4 Pages: 494-498

An experimental study by the “method of grids” of the deformations’ degree and nature in the longitudinal and transverse sections of the pipe walls with their bending and rolling for different diameters and materials was carried out. The obtained results allow to calculate these deformations, to estimate the nature of the distribution of residual stresses and to predict the magnitude of the pipe walls’ thinning and the overall service life.

Evaluation of deformations of thin-walled pipes during cold bending with rolling

An experimental study by the “method of grids” of the deformations’ degree and nature in the longitudinal and transverse sections of the pipe walls with their bending and rolling for different diameters and materials was carried out. The obtained results allow to calculate these deformations, to estimate the nature of the distribution of residual stresses and to predict the magnitude of the pipe walls’ thinning and the overall service life.
A.V. Kozlov, E.V. Khaliulin, S.I. Platov, M.V. Nalimova, V.A. Nekit
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Year: 2019 Volume: 9     Issue: 2 Pages: 218-222

Ti-Al, Ti-Al-Si-C and Ti-Al-B-C coatings were formed on titanium alloy Ti6Al4V by a new method of electrospark deposition from granules. The coating deposited from granules Ti3Al with 15 weight.% additive SiC increases the heat resistance of the titanium alloy by 2.3 times and the wear resistance of one by 38 times.

Preparation and properties of electrospark coatings from Ti3Al granules with silicon carbide and boron carbide additives

Ti-Al, Ti-Al-Si-C and Ti-Al-B-C coatings were formed on titanium alloy Ti6Al4V by a new method of electrospark deposition from granules. The coating deposited from granules Ti3Al with 15 weight.% additive SiC increases the heat resistance of the titanium alloy by 2.3 times and the wear resistance of one by 38 times.
S.A. Pyachin, T.B. Ershova, A.A. Burkov, N.M. Vlasova, E.A. Kirichenko, M.A. Kulik, V.O. Krutikova
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Year: 2019 Volume: 9     Issue: 2 Pages: 191-196

To bridge the gap between the ideal case of steady-state for superplasticity and the realistic case of deviation from this, the parameters of constitutive relationship should include the instantaneous microstructure and consider effective stress for deformation instead of applied stress

Understanding the Concurrent Microstructural Evolution and Its Impact on Superplastic Characteristics: An overview

To bridge the gap between the ideal case of steady-state for superplasticity and the realistic case of deviation from this, the parameters of constitutive relationship should include the instantaneous microstructure and consider effective stress for deformation instead of applied stress
B.P. Kashyap
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Year: 2018 Volume: 8     Issue: 4s Pages: 524-531

Fundamental and applied researches in the field of superplasticity and related phenomena have always been extensively carried out at the Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMSP RAS)

Current achievements on superplasticity and related phenomena at the Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems

Fundamental and applied researches in the field of superplasticity and related phenomena have always been extensively carried out at the Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMSP RAS)
R.R. Mulyukov, A.A. Nazarov, R.M. Imayev
Year: 2018 Volume: 8     Issue: 4s Pages: 510-516

Hatching distance effects on microstructure of additively manufactured specimens. Increased hatching distance speed up the manufacturing process, but the porosity level also increases. Reduced hatching distance results in overheating and bubbling of the printed material.
The small distance between parts during manufacturing can compensate the increased hatching distance.

Effect of the hatching strategies on mechanical properties and microstructure of SEBM manufactured Ti-6Al-4V specimens

Hatching distance effects on microstructure of additively manufactured specimens. Increased hatching distance speed up the manufacturing process, but the porosity level also increases. Reduced hatching distance results in overheating and bubbling of the printed material. The small distance between parts during manufacturing can compensate the increased hatching distance.
V.V. Popov Jr., A. Katz-Demyanetz, A. Kovalevsky, R. Biletskiy, E. Strokin, A. Garkun, M. Bamberger
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Year: 2018 Volume: 8     Issue: 4 Pages: 468-472

The technological properties of the titanium alloy VT6 were studied. It is established that it can be successfully used in SPF/DB technology under conditions of low-temperature superplasticity at temperatures of 750-800° C. The model of the hollow blade of a three-layer structure was made from this alloy.

The study of technological properties of the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. Part 2

The technological properties of the titanium alloy VT6 were studied. It is established that it can be successfully used in SPF/DB technology under conditions of low-temperature superplasticity at temperatures of 750-800° C. The model of the hollow blade of a three-layer structure was made from this alloy.
R.V. Safiullin, M.H. Muhametrahimov, S.P. Malycheva, A.R. Safiullin, A.N. Kozlov, A.V. Berestov, S.A. Harin, M. Morozov
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Year: 2018 Volume: 8     Issue: 3 Pages: 329-334

The method of consolidation of metal powder is proposed, this method consists in applying a layer of metal powder on the surface of the detail, compressing the powder at a point between the workpiece and the electrode, and sintering at this point by electric pulse. Sequential dot by dot sintering leads to the formation of a new layer and allows to obtain bulk materials.

The features of metal powders consolidation by layer-by-layer electric discharge sintering

The method of consolidation of metal powder is proposed, this method consists in applying a layer of metal powder on the surface of the detail, compressing the powder at a point between the workpiece and the electrode, and sintering at this point by electric pulse. Sequential dot by dot sintering leads to the formation of a new layer and allows to obtain bulk materials.
I.A. Elkin, V.A. Volkov, K.S. Stolbov, D.A. Kolodkin, A.A. Chulkina, A.N. Bel'tyukov
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Year: 2018 Volume: 8     Issue: 3 Pages: 335-340

Combined SPD method including multiple abc-pressing and multi-pass rolling resulted in the formation of  two-phase ultrafine-grained binary Zr-1Nb alloy structure, where the average alloy structural elements size was 0.22 µm. Ultrafine-grained alloy included high level of mechanical properties (yield strength – 450 MPa, ultimate tensile strength – 780 MPa, microhardness – 2800 MPa) at low elastic modulus (51 GPa).

Structure, Phase Composition and Mechanical Properties of Bioinert Zirconium-Based Alloy after Severe Plastic Deformation

Combined SPD method including multiple abc-pressing and multi-pass rolling resulted in the formation of two-phase ultrafine-grained binary Zr-1Nb alloy structure, where the average alloy structural elements size was 0.22 µm. Ultrafine-grained alloy included high level of mechanical properties (yield strength – 450 MPa, ultimate tensile strength – 780 MPa, microhardness – 2800 MPa) at low elastic modulus (51 GPa).
A.Y. Eroshenko, A.M. Mairambekova, .P. Sharkeev, .G. Kovalevskaya, M.A. Khimich, P.V. Uvarkin
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Year: 2017 Volume: 7     Issue: 4 Pages: 469-472

In electro-technical textured tape, the formation of optimum narrow zones of plastic deformation across the texture axis decrease the size of magnetic domains 3-4 times. This leads to decrease the speed of motion of the domain boundaries and to considerable reduces by 25% of magnetic losses during magnetization reversal of the material.

Optimization by deformation effects of the structure and properties of Fe-Si alloys with different texture

In electro-technical textured tape, the formation of optimum narrow zones of plastic deformation across the texture axis decrease the size of magnetic domains 3-4 times. This leads to decrease the speed of motion of the domain boundaries and to considerable reduces by 25% of magnetic losses during magnetization reversal of the material.
Y.N. Dragoshanskii, V.I. Pudov
PDF PDF  Article
Year: 2018 Volume: 8     Issue: 1 Pages: 66-70

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