Guide for authors

Journal “Letters on Materials” publishes original and review articles. Reviews are published by an invitation of the Editor-in-Chief or after a consideration of a preliminary application from the authors by the Editorial Board. The application should contain an information about the authors, the title, the relevance of the topic and the justification for the need to publish the review. It also should include an information on the estimated length of paper, number of references and schedule of submission. When considering such applications and negotiating the length of a paper (within the established maximum), the editorial staff primarily takes into account the possibility of a wide citation of the review in the international literature.

Articles written in English are accepted for consideration by Letters on Materials.

1. Criteria for Publication

Manuscripts are assessed by the Editorial Board and reviewers based on the following criteria: relevance to the topics covered by the journal; novelty and originality of the work; the relevance of the research, a significant contribution to the development of materials science and related technologies; meaningful introduction, main part, discussion of results and conclusions. The paper should be properly structured, it’s length should not exceed the required maximum, the text writing should be of high quality. Before the appointment of a scientific editor, the technical editor checks the compliance of the manuscripts with the formal requirements of the journal. If inconsistencies are found, the article is returned for correction of formatting. The manuscript that has passed the entrance control is transferred to a scientific editor, who accompanies it until the moment of acceptance and transmission to print. The scientific editor has the right to reject or return the manuscript for revision without peer review in the following cases: inconsistency with the subject of the journal, low level of English, lack of novelty and originality of the work, obvious irrelevance of the research problem. If necessary, the editor sends the article for review to two independent reviewers and makes a decision based on the results of the review.

2. Originality of the manuscript

The submission of a manuscript for publication in "Letters of Materials" assumes that this work or a significant part of it has not been previously published in either Russian or English, that it is not under consideration for publication in another journal, that its publication was approved by all co-authors, if any, and that the publication of this work does not conflict with the interests of the organization where the work was performed. The publisher will not be held legally responsible if the authors violate these terms. If plagiarism is detected after the publication of an article, it can be withdrawn (the article is retracted) on an initiative of the Editorial Board.

3. Permissions

Authors wishing to submit data, tables and text fragments that have already been published in another publication must obtain a permission from the copyright owner(s) of publications and provide an evidence of this permission. Any material received by the editors without such an evidence will be considered the original work of the authors.

4. Submission of articles to the journal

The journal considers only manuscripts submitted for publication through a personal account of one of the authors, who will then be considered as the author for correspondence, in the article submission system on the Internet. Therefore, if you have not done so yet, then please register on our website: When registering, you must use a valid email address, which you regularly check. For submitting your article, use the English-language version of the site. Russian-speaking authors, if they wish, can submit articles through the Russian-language version of the site and fill in some of the information in Russian (editor's choice, cover letter and comments to the editor, calculation of the manuscript volume, full name and addresses of potential reviewers), all other information regarding the article itself is filled in in English.

When you submit a manuscript in your personal account, the system requires uploading the following files:

  1. The text of the article in DOC, DOCX format;
  2. Cover letter.
    • At the first submission of an article, the cover letter is one addressed to the editorial office and written in free form by one of the authors on behalf of all authors, where he (she) can briefly state the novelty of the work, report its originality or give any other important information.
    • In the following resubmissions, when uploading a revised (after reviewing) version of the article, the cover letter must contain responds to the comments of the reviewers. The latter can be presented in Russian only if the review is also written in Russian.
  3. A graphical abstract, which will be published on the page of the corresponding issue on the journal's website next to the imprint of the article.
  4. Short summary for the graphical abstract: one or two short sentences describing the main results of the paper.
  5. Graphic files (in .jpg, .png, .gif, .tiff formats) of figures with resolution at least 300 dpi, if any.
  6. Supplementary Material (formats .doc, .docx, .mp4), if any.

Details of the requirements for the formatting of the text of an article, for figures and Supplementary Material are given in the file Instructions on formatting of manuscripts. Please note that as Supplementary Material, only the materials that are explained there can be uploaded. You may not upload there replies to the comments of reviewers or any other information!

5. Calculation of the manuscript length

When submitting a manuscript, you will be asked to enter an information on its length in a separate window. The maximum length of the manuscript including all its elements, both in the original version and after all revisions, should be 45,000 symbols for original articles and 130,000 symbols for a review article. The counting of symbols should include the number of symbols in the entire text part of the manuscript (with spaces) and number of symbols equivalent to figures, tables and equations. The method of calculation and an example of filling in the information on the length of an article are given in the file Instructions on formatting of manuscripts.

6. Potential Reviewers

When submitting an article, the author will be also asked to propose three potential reviewers, indicating their full names, organizations and email addresses. Please take your choice of reviewers seriously. All proposed reviewers must be from organizations that do not coincide with the organizations in which the authors of the article work and be researchers actively working in the relevant field (at least, have publications registered in the world databases Scopus and Web of Science). List of reviewers living and working in different cities and / or in different countries. In any case, the editor reserves the right to choose reviewers.

7. Copyright agreement

We recommend you to become acquainted with the copyright agreement in advance. The author's consent will be asked to confirm during the process of submitting the manuscript for review. There is no need to upload a separate transfer of copyright or copyright agreement file.

Checklist of submission

For your convenience, below a "checklist" of information required when submitting an article is given.

  1. The text of the article in the .doc or .docx format, composed in full accordance with the Instructions on formatting of manuscripts and the article template contained therein.
  2. Supplementary Material (if any) in .doc, .docx and .mp4 formats. We remind you: this type of material has one and only purpose - to provide additional information, additional to the main text of the article.
  3. Cover letter. At the initial submission, this is an informal letter written in free form by one of the authors on behalf of everyone. When submitting a revised version, the cover letter should contain the responds to the comments of reviewers.
  4. Full name, affiliations, e-mail addresses of at least three potential reviewers.
  5. Detailed calculation of the volume of the article.
  6. Each figure as a graphical file (fig_1a, fig_1b, fig_2, etc.) in formats .jpg, .png .gif, .tiff. The resolution of figures must be at least 300 dpi.

• Instructions on formatting of manuscripts