Current issue

Regular issue 15 (1) 2025
The density of statistically stored dislocations can be derived from the dependence of measured orientation gradient on EBSD steps while the latter do not exceed the dislocation spacing.

EBSD with fine steps versus XRD in evaluating the density of statistically stored dislocations: comparison on cold rolled and annealed copper states

The density of statistically stored dislocations can be derived from the dependence of measured orientation gradient on EBSD steps while the latter do not exceed the dislocation spacing.
A.A. Zisman, N.Y. Zolotorevsky, S.N. Petrov, S.V. Ganin, E.A. Ushanova, M.L. Fedoseev
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Year: 2025 Volume: 15     Issue: 1 Pages: 3-7

The transformation temperatures significantly decrease on thermal cycling of the cast samples and remain constant in ribbons samples with the sample chemical composition .

Thermal cycling stability of the B2 - B19’ transformation in the Ti-Hf-Ni-Cu alloys with cast and ultrafine-grained structures

The transformation temperatures significantly decrease on thermal cycling of the cast samples and remain constant in ribbons samples with the sample chemical composition .
S.P. Belyaev, N.N. Resnina, A.I. Bazlov, A.V. Sibirev, A.M. Ivanov, I.V. Ponikarova, M.E. Trofimova, V.E. Orlov, R.M. Bikbaev, D.V. Danilov
PDF PDF  Article
Year: 2025 Volume: 15     Issue: 1 Pages: 8-14

Density profile of the simulation box along the x-axis, illustrating the shift of the solid-liquid interface toward the solid region at temperatures above the melting point. The top image shows the original simulation box of the V-5Cr-5Ti alloy, while the bottom image displays the same simulation box with structure types identified using Common Neighbor Analysis.

Thermo-mechanical properties of random ternary alloy V-5Cr-5Ti

Density profile of the simulation box along the x-axis, illustrating the shift of the solid-liquid interface toward the solid region at temperatures above the melting point. The top image shows the original simulation box of the V-5Cr-5Ti alloy, while the bottom image displays the same simulation box with structure types identified using Common Neighbor Analysis.
H.S. M. Phuong, N.T. H. Trung, M.D. Starostenkov
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Year: 2025 Volume: 15     Issue: 1 Pages: 36-42

Pretreatment of the welded surfaces with laser radiation before diffusion welding leads to an increase in the strength of the joint due to the activation of these surfaces and, consequently, to the possibility of reducing the parameters of the diffusion welding process (temperature and welding pressure).

Laser method of intensification of the process of diffusion welding of 12X18H10T stainless steel

Pretreatment of the welded surfaces with laser radiation before diffusion welding leads to an increase in the strength of the joint due to the activation of these surfaces and, consequently, to the possibility of reducing the parameters of the diffusion welding process (temperature and welding pressure).
A.V. Lyushinsky, T.V. Malinsky, Y.V. Khomich, V.A. Yamshchikov
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Year: 2025 Volume: 15     Issue: 1 Pages: 43-48
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

SEM fractographic image of a hydrogenated zirconium alloy, processed using VGG-16 and U-Net neural networks to determine the brittle fraction and segment brittle/ductile regions, with corresponding outputs showing the dependence of brittle fraction on hydride orientation and segmented fracture surfaces.

Development of a neural network for fractographic analysis of hydrogenated zirconium alloys

SEM fractographic image of a hydrogenated zirconium alloy, processed using VGG-16 and U-Net neural networks to determine the brittle fraction and segment brittle/ductile regions, with corresponding outputs showing the dependence of brittle fraction on hydride orientation and segmented fracture surfaces.
M.I. Petrov, M.G. Isaenkova, N.S. Saburov, V.A. Markelov, A.A. Plyasov
PDF PDF  Article
Year: 2025 Volume: 15     Issue: 1 Pages: 49-54
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

The image illustrates the nature of the change in mass loss during the tests at different exposure times, and also shows the morphology of the surface after cleaning from corrosion products.

Effect of exposure time in a physiological environment on the corrosion rate of ultrafine-grained Zn-Fe-Mg alloy

The image illustrates the nature of the change in mass loss during the tests at different exposure times, and also shows the morphology of the surface after cleaning from corrosion products.
E.D. Abdrakhmanova, E.D. Khafizova, M.V. Polenok, V.D. Sitdikov, F.V. Nugamanov
PDF PDF  Article
Year: 2025 Volume: 15     Issue: 1 Pages: 60-65