Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2021

Regular issue 11 (4) 2021
We studied the structure, phase composition, and mechanical properties of the FeCrMnNiCo0.85C0.15 alloy in the cast and annealed (at 1200°C, 1 h) states, as well as after multistage thermomechanical treatments, including high-temperature annealing, hot forging, and cold rolling. Thermomechanical treatments do not provide the formation of a single-phase austenitic structure, but contribute to a significant dissolution of carbides and an increase in the solid solution hardening of the austenite phase. Such alloys have significantly higher strength and ductility values in comparison with cast alloy and Cantor alloy.

Influence of thermal and thermal-mechanical treatments on microstructure and mechanical properties of the multicomponent alloy FeCrMnNiCo0.85C0.15

We studied the structure, phase composition, and mechanical properties of the FeCrMnNiCo0.85C0.15 alloy in the cast and annealed (at 1200°C, 1 h) states, as well as after multistage thermomechanical treatments, including high-temperature annealing, hot forging, and cold rolling. Thermomechanical treatments do not provide the formation of a single-phase austenitic structure, but contribute to a significant dissolution of carbides and an increase in the solid solution hardening of the austenite phase. Such alloys have significantly higher strength and ductility values in comparison with cast alloy and Cantor alloy.
E.V. Melnikov, S.V. Astafurov, K.A. Reunova, V.A. Moskvina, M.Y. Panchenko, I.A. Tumbusova, E.G. Astafurova
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 375-381
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

From the interpretation of the obtained XPS- and NEXAFS 2p-spectra of atoms in Co-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 and the corresponding oxides it was concluded that in ceramics the copper and calcium atoms have a charge state of +2, the titanium atoms have a slightly lower charge than +4, and cobalt atoms have mainly a charge of +2 with some fraction of Co(III) ions in the high spin state.

Spectroscopic study of Co-doped CaCu3Ti4O12

From the interpretation of the obtained XPS- and NEXAFS 2p-spectra of atoms in Co-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 and the corresponding oxides it was concluded that in ceramics the copper and calcium atoms have a charge state of +2, the titanium atoms have a slightly lower charge than +4, and cobalt atoms have mainly a charge of +2 with some fraction of Co(III) ions in the high spin state.
N.A. Zhuk, E.U. Ipatova, B.A. Makeev, S.V. Nekipelov, A.V. Koroleva, L.A. Koksharova, R.I. Korolev
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 386-391

Under shock-wave loading at a speed of 471 m / s at 20 °C, a phase hammer hardening of austenite is observed as a result of cyclic γ → ε → γ transformation, which manifests in the form of an increased dislocation density (2 × 1010 cm-2) at the site of former ε-martensite crystals.

On the manifestation of reversible deformation under shock-wave loading of nitrogenous Cr-Mn-Ni austenitic steel

Under shock-wave loading at a speed of 471 m / s at 20 °C, a phase hammer hardening of austenite is observed as a result of cyclic γ → ε → γ transformation, which manifests in the form of an increased dislocation density (2 × 1010 cm-2) at the site of former ε-martensite crystals.
V.V. Sagaradze, N.V. Kataeva, I.G. Kabanova, S.V. Afanasyev, A.V. Pavlenko
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 403-408
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

The phase transformation of the t → m type determines the inelastic stage of deformation of ceramics based on zirconium dioxide stabilized by additives of yttrium oxide. The maximum deflection force of the cantilevers of a two-cantilever specimen with a chevron notch, tested by wedging, determines the critical characteristics of the crack resistance of ceramics ZrO2 + 3mol% Y2O3: the rate of energy release Gc during crack propagation (specific energy of destruction) and the stress intensity factor KIc. The maximum viscosity is characteristic of ceramics with the composition ZrO2 + 3mol%Y2O3, the deviation from which reduces the fracture toughness. The increase in fracture toughness is favored by the grinding of the powder in a planetary mill.

Influence of nanopowder sintering technology on crack resistance of tetragonal zirconium dioxide

The phase transformation of the t → m type determines the inelastic stage of deformation of ceramics based on zirconium dioxide stabilized by additives of yttrium oxide. The maximum deflection force of the cantilevers of a two-cantilever specimen with a chevron notch, tested by wedging, determines the critical characteristics of the crack resistance of ceramics ZrO2 + 3mol% Y2O3: the rate of energy release Gc during crack propagation (specific energy of destruction) and the stress intensity factor KIc. The maximum viscosity is characteristic of ceramics with the composition ZrO2 + 3mol%Y2O3, the deviation from which reduces the fracture toughness. The increase in fracture toughness is favored by the grinding of the powder in a planetary mill.
E.E. Deryugin, N.A. Narkevich, I.A. Danilenko, G.V. Lasko, S. Schmauder
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 409-415
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

The microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of a low-carbon steel billet, obtained by the electron-beam additive manufacturing method using an industrial welding wire, have been studied.

Microstructure and mechanical properties of low-carbon steel fabricated by electron-beam additive manufacturing

The microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of a low-carbon steel billet, obtained by the electron-beam additive manufacturing method using an industrial welding wire, have been studied.
E.G. Astafurova, E.V. Melnikov, S.V. Astafurov, M.Y. Panchenko, K.A. Reunova, V.A. Moskvina, G.G. Maier, E.A. Kolubaev
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 427-432

Quantum theory and analysis of chemical reactivity were applied to choose suitable adsorbents that ensure efficient solid-phase microextraction of dioxane and dioxalane from milk. It is shown that carbon nanostructures possess some advantages over primary and secondary amines.

Comparison of traditional and fullerene-based adsorbents for extraction of 1,4‑dioxane and 2‑methyl-1,3‑dioxolane from milk

Quantum theory and analysis of chemical reactivity were applied to choose suitable adsorbents that ensure efficient solid-phase microextraction of dioxane and dioxalane from milk. It is shown that carbon nanostructures possess some advantages over primary and secondary amines.
A.I. Kochaev, R. Razavi, S. Kaya, M. Mogaddam, N. Altunay, M. Nemati, K.P. Katin, K.S. Grishakov, A.I. Podlivaev, M.M. Maslov
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 442-446

Microstructure of cemented carbide. Ellipse marks the example of the analyzed “island” Co grains. CW and PW mark the example of WC/WC GBs completely and partially wetted by a Co binder. IA and OA are incoming and outcoming angles in the cobalt binder.

Computer analysis of the cemented carbides’ microstructure

Microstructure of cemented carbide. Ellipse marks the example of the analyzed “island” Co grains. CW and PW mark the example of WC/WC GBs completely and partially wetted by a Co binder. IA and OA are incoming and outcoming angles in the cobalt binder.
D.G. Kagramanyan, E.P. Konstantinova, A.N. Nekrasov, B.B. Straumal, I.Y. Konyashin, L.N. Shchur
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 447-451

In the microstructure of ZrO2 based composites, both undivided, entangled bundles/aggregates of SWCNTs and individual nanotubes are observed, which together form a continuous reinforcing structure, which leads to a refinement of the grain size of the composites.

Single-walled carbon nanotube-reinforced composites based on ZrO2 obtained by vacuum pressureless sintering

In the microstructure of ZrO2 based composites, both undivided, entangled bundles/aggregates of SWCNTs and individual nanotubes are observed, which together form a continuous reinforcing structure, which leads to a refinement of the grain size of the composites.
A.A. Leonov, E.V. Abdulmenova, M.A. Rudmin, J. Li
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 452-456
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

The dependence of the vibration response of the conductor on the action of an electric pulse as an interference of damped oscillations of the acceleration value generated at the leading and trailing edges of the electric pulse when the duration of the Timp of the electric pulse changes.

Electroplastic effect and interaction of an electrical impulse with a conductor

The dependence of the vibration response of the conductor on the action of an electric pulse as an interference of damped oscillations of the acceleration value generated at the leading and trailing edges of the electric pulse when the duration of the Timp of the electric pulse changes.
O.B. Skvortsov, V.I. Stashenko, O.A. Troitsky
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 473-478
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

A theoretical study of the structure and properties of a chiral SA3 diamond polymorph has been performed. The chiral SA3 phase can be obtained by polymerization of nanotubes (5,4). The unambiguous identification of this phase is possible using X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray absorption and Raman spectroscopy.

Structure and properties of a chiral polymorph of diamond with a crystal lattice of the SA3 type

A theoretical study of the structure and properties of a chiral SA3 diamond polymorph has been performed. The chiral SA3 phase can be obtained by polymerization of nanotubes (5,4). The unambiguous identification of this phase is possible using X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray absorption and Raman spectroscopy.
V.A. Greshnyakov, E.A. Belenkov
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 479-484

Consolidation of detonation nanodiamond: effect of thermobaric sintering. The size increase in the nanodiamond core occurs through the growth of both the diamond phase and ordered graphite.

Impact of structural changes in nanocrystals upon mechanical properties of HPHT sintered nanodiamond

Consolidation of detonation nanodiamond: effect of thermobaric sintering. The size increase in the nanodiamond core occurs through the growth of both the diamond phase and ordered graphite.
D.G. Bogdanov, V.A. Plotnikov, S.V. Makarov, A.S. Bogdanov, A.P. Yelisseyev, A.A. Chepurov, E.I. Zhimulev
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 485-490

It was found that the electric pulse treatment of cryorolled cooper leads to the development of recovery processes and continuous static recrystallization, provides a transition from in-situ recrystallization to grain growth, which leads to a sharp decrease in hardness.

Structue and strength of fine-grain copper after cryorolling and single electrо-pulsing of different capacity

It was found that the electric pulse treatment of cryorolled cooper leads to the development of recovery processes and continuous static recrystallization, provides a transition from in-situ recrystallization to grain growth, which leads to a sharp decrease in hardness.
M.V. Markushev, R.R. Ilyasov, S.V. Krymskiy, I.S. Valeev, O.S. Sitdikov
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 491-496
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

Ductile-brittle transition behavior of medium-carbon steel with 0.32 %C-1,35 %Mn-0,003 %B by instrumented impact testing and fracture analysis was studied. On the load-displacement curves the periods corresponding to different zones of crack propagation are distinguished. Each period can be quantitatively described by a set of strength, plastic and gradient parameters.

Parameters of load-displacement curves and their correlation with the fracture surface in medium-carbon steel

Ductile-brittle transition behavior of medium-carbon steel with 0.32 %C-1,35 %Mn-0,003 %B by instrumented impact testing and fracture analysis was studied. On the load-displacement curves the periods corresponding to different zones of crack propagation are distinguished. Each period can be quantitatively described by a set of strength, plastic and gradient parameters.
V.A. Khotinov, A.B. Ovsyannikov, A.A. Andreev, V.M. Farber
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Year: 2021 Volume: 11     Issue: 4 Pages: 514-518