Accelerated climatic aging of polymer composite materials based on polypropylene and aluminum oxide

M.V. Bazunova, R.B. Salikhov, V.P. Zaharov show affiliations and emails
Received 01 June 2021; Accepted 22 September 2021;
Citation: M.V. Bazunova, R.B. Salikhov, V.P. Zaharov. Accelerated climatic aging of polymer composite materials based on polypropylene and aluminum oxide. Lett. Mater., 2021, 11(4) 397-402


Tensile machine and the results of the materials elastic modulus  measurements and elongation at breakThe article is devoted to the study of changes in the deformation and strength properties of polymer composite materials based on polypropylene and aluminum oxide during accelerated climatic aging and assessing the possibility of predicting the approximate terms of their operation. It has been found that the values ​of the thermal conductivity coefficient of polypropylene-aluminum oxide composites naturally increase with an increase in the proportion of filler from 0.10 to 0.21 W / (m ∙ K), which indicates the feasibility of creating these materials. It was also shown that an increase in the content of aluminum oxide in the polypropylene matrix leads to an improvement in the strength characteristics (tensile strength) of the composite. Similar patterns are observed for the dependence of the tensile strength on the content of aluminum oxide. Accelerated aging of polymer composite samples is accompanied by a decrease in their strength, which indicates the ongoing processes of destruction of polypropylene macromolecules. According to the results of accelerated climatic tests, it was found that samples of polymer composites based on polypropylene and aluminum oxide are characterized by small predicted approximate service life (13 –15 months) under the influence of the main environmental factors (UV radiation, humidity, temperature cycling), practically not differing from the service life of materials made of unfilled polypropylene, therefore, either these materials must be used in milder conditions, for example, as elements of products used indoors, or stabilizers must be included in the proposed compositions.

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