Improvement of the technological scheme of receiving ceramic samples from a product of chemical dispergating of alloy AK-12

Y.G. Trifonov, A.Y. Omarov show affiliations and emails
Received 06 June 2013; Accepted 16 July 2013;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: Y.G. Trifonov, A.Y. Omarov. Improvement of the technological scheme of receiving ceramic samples from a product of chemical dispergating of alloy AK-12. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(3) 212-214


The technological scheme of receiving ceramic samples from a product formed as a result of chemical dispergating in the alkaline environment of an alloy of AK-12 is described. The main stages of technological process are provided and considered and the choice of concrete parameter for each stage is explained.

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