Biomimetic preparation of ceramic alumina fibers by ultrasound-assisted impregnation of cellulose templates

M.F. Butman, N.E. Kochkina, V.V. Makarov, A.B. Knot'ko show affiliations and emails
Received 25 December 2014; Accepted 03 March 2015;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: M.F. Butman, N.E. Kochkina, V.V. Makarov, A.B. Knot'ko. Biomimetic preparation of ceramic alumina fibers by ultrasound-assisted impregnation of cellulose templates. Lett. Mater., 2015, 5(1) 61-66


The biotemplate technique of obtaining the mesoporous alumina fibers by ultrasound-assisted precursor solution impregnation of cellulose fibrous templates has been advanced. Wood pulp cellulose sheets and cotton cloth were used as templates; Al2(SO4)3 solution was used as a precursor. The impregnation was followed by centrifugation, drying and calcination at 900 – 1200°C. The formation, structure and properties of Al2O3 fibers were studied by DSC/TG, XRD, light microscopy, SEM, N2 adsorption/desorption. It is shown that the application of ultrasound upon impregnation resulted in superior filling of a capillary pore volume of fibrous templates as well as in reduction of impregnation time. Regardless of an impregnation technique the ceramic fibers obtained at 900° C are characterized as a gamma – alumina. The increasing of the calcination temperature up to 1200° С results in transformation of the samples into alfa – alumina. The ceramic fibers formed possess a sponge texture and consist of aggregated particles. Fibrillary morphology of alumina fibers in a certain degree repeated that of the biotemplate. The ceramic fibers obtained via ultrasound-assisted impregnation manifested greater values of specific surface area and porosity with a narrower pore size distribution than those obtained by a conventional impregnation.

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