Effect of high-dense electropulsing with different energies on the structure and strength of nickel cryorolled to different strains

M.V. Markushev, I.S. Valeev, E.V. Avtokratova, R.R. Ilyasov, A.K. Valeeva ORCID logo , S.V. Krimsky, O.S. Sitdikov show affiliations and emails
Received 06 February 2023; Accepted 17 March 2023;
Citation: M.V. Markushev, I.S. Valeev, E.V. Avtokratova, R.R. Ilyasov, A.K. Valeeva, S.V. Krimsky, O.S. Sitdikov. Effect of high-dense electropulsing with different energies on the structure and strength of nickel cryorolled to different strains. Lett. Mater., 2023, 13(2) 126-131
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2023-2-126-131


The effect of combination of isothermal cryorolling at liquid nitrogen temperature to strains ranging from 30 to 90% and subsequent high-dense electropulsing, on the structure and hardness of an initially coarse-grained pure nickel was studied.The effect of thermomechanical treatment, based on combination of isothermal cryorolling at liquid nitrogen temperature to strains ranging from 30 to 90 % and subsequent single electric pulsing with an integral current density Kj up to 1.6 ×104 A2 s / mm4, on the structure and hardness of an initially coarse-grained pure nickel was studied. It is shown that the considered treatment is quite a powerful method to control the Ni structure and strength through grain and grain boundary design. The right chose of conditions of cryogenic straining and electro-heat action give ability to high efficient production of abnormally and partially work-hardened sheets with light tuning of crystallite size and fractions of recrystallized grains and high angle boundaries, in particular, the fine-grained sheet with a grain size of about 3 μm and 50 % fraction of the twin boundaries.

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