Structure degradation of the plasma spray thermal barrier coating on the blade during operation

J. Zavaleta Tisnado, O.S. Bondareva, V.Y. Hristosova show affiliations and emails
Accepted  16 April 2019
Citation: J. Zavaleta Tisnado, O.S. Bondareva, V.Y. Hristosova. Structure degradation of the plasma spray thermal barrier coating on the blade during operation. Lett. Mater., 2019, 9(2) 228-233


The closed topologically packaged phases, which appear after the long-term operation.Thermal barrier coatings are widely used to protect blades of gas turbine engines from exposure to high-temperature flow. In this work, we considered coatings applied by the plasma spray method and consisting of the NiCoCrAlY heat-resistant sublayer and the ZrO2 + 8 %Y2O3 upper ceramic layer. The aim of the work was to study the thermal barrier coating microstructure in the initial state and after long-term operation for 8000 hours to predict the possibility of further exploitation. It is shown that the coating is not destroyed, there are no chipping and peeling. However, the upper ceramic layer is sintered under the influence of high-temperature gas flow, its porosity decreases, and therefore the heat-shielding properties are reduced. At the boundary of the heat-resistant layer and the nickel base, a diffusion zone is formed. It is characterized by significant chemical heterogeneity and release of topologically closed packed phases (TCP-phases). These phases are lamellar carbides of tungsten and chromium. They can be stress concentrators and reduce fatigue resistance. In addition, the γ-solid solution is depleted of refractory alloying elements, which leads to a softening of the alloy. The obtained data show significant structural degradation of the thermal barrier coating and the subsurface area of the blade. Thus, the blade with a resource operation is only recommended in surface facilities.

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