Stand resource tests of steel ropes

A.N. Abramov, V.Y. Sholom, O.L. Kramer Olga, V.P. Golovin show affiliations and emails
Received 25 December 2019; Accepted 19 March 2020;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: A.N. Abramov, V.Y. Sholom, O.L. Kramer Olga, V.P. Golovin. Stand resource tests of steel ropes. Lett. Mater., 2020, 10(2) 195-199


Shows the effect of friction force on energy-power parameters and deformation before fracture under lug billet in strips of aluminum alloy Al-31.  The effect of fragmentation on the degree of deformation strain before breaking down and the voltage drawn under different conditions of friction between the workpiece and the cutting tool.The method of accelerated bench test of rope endurance in accordance with GOST 2387-80 “Steel ropes. Endurance test method” with periodic exposure to a corrosive environment was performed. The main goal of accelerated testing is to obtain information about the endurance of the rope during the test time, less than the specified resource of its operation. The study of steel wire ropes according to the proposed method was carried out on a running machine designed and manufactured at the Technological Park “KhTTs UAI-ROSOIL”. The machine provides periodic dipping of the deformable section of the rope in a corrosive environment during reciprocating movement and repeated alternating bending of the sample by 90°. For testing, samples of a steel rope with a diameter of 5.6 mm without coating of two types: according to GOST 14954-80 (I type, with a metal core) and GOST 2688-80 (II type, with a core of organic material) were used. The influence of the lubricant in this work was not considered. The cores, strands, and the rope itself were not coated or saturated with lubricant. The endurance of the steel rope was estimated by the number of bends of the sample until it was completely destroyed. The research results showed that the proposed method allows us to simulate the operation of ropes exposed to river, sea water and various corrosive environments on ships, on drilling rigs, in mines, wells, and also to reduce the test time by more than 3 times. In the statistical processing of the results, it was found that the difference between the true values during the tests according to the proposed accelerated method with respect to the standard method does not exceed 7 %, and the relative measurement error is less than with standard tests.

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