Microstructure of the deposited NiCrBSiC coating after laser polishing

L.E. Afanasieva, I.S. Pavlov ORCID logo show affiliations and emails
Received 10 June 2022; Accepted 12 September 2022;
Citation: L.E. Afanasieva, I.S. Pavlov. Microstructure of the deposited NiCrBSiC coating after laser polishing. Lett. Mater., 2022, 12(4) 287-291
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2022-4-287-291


HAADF image of the cross section of the NiCrBSiC coatingThe structure of the surface layers of NiCrBSiC coatings obtained by powder laser cladding and subsequent laser polishing with a multichannel CO2 laser has been studied. XRD and TEM / STEM showed that the coatings are a γ-Ni matrix with Ni3B, Cr3C2 and Ni3Si precipitates. It was shown that the matrix of the coating after laser cladding has a high density of dislocations, which form networks. XRD evidences a decrease in the number of the precipitates after laser polishing and TEM / STEM demonstrated a decrease in the density of dislocations and the appearance of nanostructured γ-Ni layers in the form of flat elongated plates. The width of nano-grains is ≈20 nm near the interface and increases with distance from it. Microhardness measurements showed an increase from 4.4 to 5 GPa after laser polishing.

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