Laser cladding of NiCrBSiFe‒WC coating with multichannel laser

L.E. Afanasieva, G.V. Ratkevich show affiliations and emails
Received  11 April 2018; Accepted  16 May 2018
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: L.E. Afanasieva, G.V. Ratkevich. Laser cladding of NiCrBSiFe‒WC coating with multichannel laser. Lett. Mater., 2018, 8(3) 268-273


Metalloceramic NiCrBSiFe‒WC coating on structural steel 40Kh was prepared by the method of laser cladding process. The cladding was performed making use of the multichannel continuous СО2 laser radiation.Metalloceramic NiCrBSiFe‒WC coating on structural steel 40Kh was prepared by the method of laser cladding process. The cladding was performed making use of the multichannel continuous СО2 laser radiation on complex model ALTKU3 produced by «Centre of laser technologies» Vladimir. The complex is built on the base of multichannel (40 rays) СО2 laser with output power of 3 kW and technological five-coordinate stand for ray manipulation and that with two coordinates for manipulation of the piece under processing. The prepared samples were examined metallographically. It is shown that at optimal regimes a practically free-pore condition of the composite is formed with minimal root penetration ensuring metallurgical fusion. According to the x-ray spectral microanalysis data the chemical is practically the same as that of the raw powder. In particular, the content of iron in the granules and in the matrix are nearly the same (about 4…5 %). Due to automatization of processing by crossed rollers the sample surface after cladding is nearly flat so that only slight mechanical finishing is required. The thickness of the cladding layer at a single passing is about 700 micrometers. There were no cracks in the plane of the sample. The size of the thermal effect zone in the substrate is about 450 micrometers. The laser cladding with the exploitation of multichannel СО2 laser provides a possibility to prepare high-quality wear-proof coating because, in contrast to single ray lasers, it provides high uniformity of integral heat distribution in the processing zone.

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