High-temperature heat treatment of hypersonic metallization coatings from pseudoalloy “Fe-Al”

A.N. Grigorchik, E.V. Astrashab, V.A. Kukareko ORCID logo , M.A. Belotserkovsky, A.V. Sosnovsky show affiliations and emails
Received 26 March 2021; Accepted 20 April 2021;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: A.N. Grigorchik, E.V. Astrashab, V.A. Kukareko, M.A. Belotserkovsky, A.V. Sosnovsky. High-temperature heat treatment of hypersonic metallization coatings from pseudoalloy “Fe-Al”. Lett. Mater., 2021, 11(2) 198-203
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2021-2-198-203


The structural-phase state and durometric characteristics of hypersonic metallization coatings made of falsely alloys "Fe-Al" in the initial state and after heat treatment was investigated. The heat treatment consisted in heating the coating samples to temperatures of 570, 620, 720, 820 and 920 °C, followed by holding for 5, 10 and 20 minutes and air cooling.The structural-phase state and durometric characteristics of hypersonic metallization coatings made of pseudoalloy “Fe-Al” in the initial state and after heat treatment were investigated. The heat treatment consisted in heating the coating samples to temperatures of 570, 620, 720, 820 and 920°C followed by holding for 5, 10 and 20 minutes and air cooling. The phase composition of the “Fe-Al” coating sprayed by hypersonic metallization in the initial state includes α-Fe, Al, Al2O3 and FeO. The hardness of the coating is 220 HV10, and the microhardness of the steel interlayers is 350 HV0.025. It is shown that heat treatment of the coating in the temperature range 570 – 920°С and holding time of 5 – 20 minutes leads to the formation of strengthening intermetallic phases Al5Fe2, Al13Fe4, Fe3Al and FeAl in it. It is shown that the formation of intermetallic compounds in coatings leads to an increase in the microhardness of steel interlayers by up to 1.7 times as compared to the initial state, while an increase in exposure from 5 to 20 minutes at one temperature is accompanied by the formation of a large amount of intermetallic compounds with a high iron content Fe3Al and FeAl. It was found that an increase in the content of aluminum oxide and the formation of iron oxides are recorded under all heat treatment modes. Changes in the macrostructure of the coatings are recorded: as a result of low-temperature annealing at 570 – 620°C, there is a significant increase in the porosity of the coatings up to 15 – 25 vol.%. An increase in the annealing temperature to 720, 820, and 920°С is accompanied by a sequential decrease in the porosity of the coating to 15 – 20, 7 –10, 6 – 8 vol.%, respectively.

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