Influence of the lubricant on the endurance of steel ropes operating in corrosive environments

V.Y. Sholom, O.L. Kramer, V.P. Golovin, O.P. Kornilova, A.N. Abramov ORCID logo , R.F. Vagapov show affiliations and emails
Received 22 November 2020; Accepted 20 January 2021;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: V.Y. Sholom, O.L. Kramer, V.P. Golovin, O.P. Kornilova, A.N. Abramov, R.F. Vagapov. Influence of the lubricant on the endurance of steel ropes operating in corrosive environments. Lett. Mater., 2021, 11(2) 125-128


Corrosion-aggressive environment (sea water) repeatedly (from 2.5 to 9.5 times) reduces the durability of ropes. The lubricants L8 and L7 provided maximum rope endurance in normal conditions, but in seawater exposure trials showed the worst results.The paper compares the results of endurance tests of steel ropes manufactured in accordance with GOST 2688-80, according to the standard method (GOST 2387-80 “Steel ropes. Endurance test method”) without exposure to an aggressive environment and the test results according to the developed extended method, taking into account operating conditions in corrosive environments, in particular marine and freshwater environments. It was found that the periodic impact of sea water on the rope many times (from 2.5 to 9.5 times) reduces the wear resistance of the rope, depending on the lubricant used, when compared with tests according to the standard method and proportionally reduces its technical resource. It is shown that the impact of fresh water, as well as sea water, greatly reduces the wear resistance of the rope, but in somewhat smaller limits. On the basis of experimental studies, it has been shown that the compositions of lubricants, which ensured the maximum wear resistance of the rope according to the tests according to the standard method, showed the worst results when tested with the action of sea water. In this regard, it can be stated that the standard technique does not allow accurately predict the durability of ropes under special operating conditions (in sea and fresh water), which can lead to unreasonable, more than 9 times, reduction of the life of the rope. The complex of the studies carried out showed that when testing steel ropes for endurance, as well as when choosing the most effective rope lubricant, one should give preference to the test results according to the method proposed in the work, which takes into account the effect of a corrosive environment.

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