Tribotechnical characteristics of nanostructured multilayer composite coatings on tools for machining heat-resistant alloys

M.S. Migranov, M.A. Volosova, S.R. Shekhtman, N.A. Suhova, A.M. Migranov, A.S. Gusev show affiliations and emails
Received 14 September 2022; Accepted 13 December 2022;
Citation: M.S. Migranov, M.A. Volosova, S.R. Shekhtman, N.A. Suhova, A.M. Migranov, A.S. Gusev. Tribotechnical characteristics of nanostructured multilayer composite coatings on tools for machining heat-resistant alloys. Lett. Mater., 2023, 13(1) 73-78


Developed unit for adhesion studies of contact processes in heavy-duty high-temperature tribocouplings.The paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental research of tribotechnical characteristics (tool wear on the back surface, tool durability period, critical cutting path length before blunting) of innovative nanostructured multilayer composite coatings on the tool for milling heat-resistant alloys of aerospace parts.

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