Enhancing the technological plasticity of the AlMgSi0.5 alloy strips when drawing in a rolling die

A.N. Abramov, A.V. Botkin, V.Y. Sholom, E.V. Varenik, K.A. Abramov show affiliations and emails
Received 22 March 2019; Accepted 07 May 2019;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: A.N. Abramov, A.V. Botkin, V.Y. Sholom, E.V. Varenik, K.A. Abramov. Enhancing the technological plasticity of the AlMgSi0.5 alloy strips when drawing in a rolling die. Lett. Mater., 2019, 9(3) 276-281
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2019-3-276-281


Shows the effect of friction force on energy-power parameters and deformation before fracture under lug billet in strips of aluminum alloy Al-31.  The effect of fragmentation on the degree of deformation strain before breaking down and the voltage drawn under different conditions of friction between the workpiece and the cutting tool.A testing bed was developed and manufactured for drawing rods and strips of various sections in the rolling die. The testing bed allows measuring the friction strength at stopped rolls, the normal force at the standing rolls and the drawing force in the drawing process. The influence of friction force on the parameters of the load and the deformation extent, as well as the deformation amount for the alloy AlMgSi0.5 was established. The influence of multiple deformations on the maximum of deformation to failure and on the drawing stress at different friction conditions was established. It was found that the multiple drawing increased the technological plasticity, but did not affect the drawing stress at the moment of the failure of the AlMgSi0.5 ingots. It was shown that the drawing stress at the moment of the failure of the sample was similar both for the absence and for the presence of sliding friction. Multiple deformation influenced the amount of deformation maximum to failure, but it has no effect on the drawing stress both in the absence and in the presence of sliding friction. The possibility of experimental estimation of the strain increase reserve during drawing by reducing the influence of the friction force was shown. A calculation method for estimating the strain reserve at drawing was proposed and experimentally tested. It was experimentally shown that the difference in the rolling friction force and the sliding friction force depended on the degree of deformation per pass.

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