Volume 14, Issue 3, September 2024

Regular issue 14 (3) 2024
The present work aims to provide the differences in elasticity of pentagonal wires and rods within the framework of distributed and single disclination models, employing both the analytical technique and the finite element method.

Elasticity of pentagonal wires: single disclination model versus distributed disclination model

The present work aims to provide the differences in elasticity of pentagonal wires and rods within the framework of distributed and single disclination models, employing both the analytical technique and the finite element method.
R.E. Shevchuk, S.A. Krasnitckii, A.E. Romanov, A.M. Smirnov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 175-182

Schematic diagram of the ECAP installation with simultaneous application of ultrasound: 1 – ultrasonic generator; 2 – converter; 3 – waveguide, 4 – matrix, 5 – punch, 6 – sample.

Influence of ECAP combined with ultrasound on the structure and properties of the alloy of the Mg-Zn-Zr system

Schematic diagram of the ECAP installation with simultaneous application of ultrasound: 1 – ultrasonic generator; 2 – converter; 3 – waveguide, 4 – matrix, 5 – punch, 6 – sample.
R.N. Asfandiyarov, D.A. Aksenov, M.A. Shishkunova, A.G. Raab, Y.R. Sementeeva
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 183-189
Journal section: Structure design and analysis

A novel metal-matrix composite, in which a soft Al-matrix is strengthened by hard and inert Pt-particles was obtained. Severe plastic deformation and large shear strain implemented under HPT lead to the formation of solid solutions and the amorphization on the interfaces.

Structure and microhardness of Al-Pt composites produced through consolidation of the elemental chips by high pressure torsion

A novel metal-matrix composite, in which a soft Al-matrix is strengthened by hard and inert Pt-particles was obtained. Severe plastic deformation and large shear strain implemented under HPT lead to the formation of solid solutions and the amorphization on the interfaces.
E.G. Volkova, A.A. Livinets, T.P. Tolmachev, A.I. Valiullin, A.A. Gavrilova, B.D. Antonov, V.P. Pilyugin, A.Yu. Volkov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 198-203

The contributions of dispersion and solid solution hardening mechanisms are comparable and provide a smaller contribution to the YS improvement of the Ti6Al4V-Cu alloys as compared to that the grain-boundary hardening

Evaluation of contributions of hardening mechanisms to the yield strength of Ti6Al4V-Cu alloys produced by wire electron beam additive manufacturing

The contributions of dispersion and solid solution hardening mechanisms are comparable and provide a smaller contribution to the YS improvement of the Ti6Al4V-Cu alloys as compared to that the grain-boundary hardening
A.V. Nikolaeva, A.P. Zykova, V.V. Shmakov, S.Y. Tarasov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 204-209

The influence of COOH and C=O groups on the I-V characteristics of graphene nanomesh. Depending on the type of group, one can either strengthen or weaken the effect of negative differential resistance on the I-V characteristic.

Current flow patterns in graphene nanomesh films functionalized with carbonyl and carboxyl groups

The influence of COOH and C=O groups on the I-V characteristics of graphene nanomesh. Depending on the type of group, one can either strengthen or weaken the effect of negative differential resistance on the I-V characteristic.
P.V. Barkov, M.M. Slepchenkov, O.E. Glukhova
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 210-215

After the LEHCEB treatment, the corrosion resistance of the coatings increased significantly, as evidenced by the decrease in corrosion current and the increase in polarization resistance. In addition, the bond strength of the coatings also increased, as evidenced by the increase in critical load from 9.9 to 19.2 N.

Low-energy high-current electron beam treatment of composite coatings based on diatomite and ZrO2 particles

After the LEHCEB treatment, the corrosion resistance of the coatings increased significantly, as evidenced by the decrease in corrosion current and the increase in polarization resistance. In addition, the bond strength of the coatings also increased, as evidenced by the increase in critical load from 9.9 to 19.2 N.
M.B. Sedelnikova, A.D. Kashin, P.V. Uvarkin, Y.P. Sharkeev, N.A. Luginin, M.A. Khimich, K.V. Ivanov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 216-222

The stability concentration region of magnesium-containing pyrochlores based on bismuth tantalate (Bi2+xMg1+yTa2-yO9-δ, -0.11≤x≤0.325, -0.01≤y≤0.20) was experimentally determined. The microstructure of samples was studied depending on the molar ratio Bi/Ta,Mg and Mg/Ta.

Phase stability and microstructure of pyrochlores in the system Bi2O3‑MgO-Ta2O5

The stability concentration region of magnesium-containing pyrochlores based on bismuth tantalate (Bi2+xMg1+yTa2-yO9-δ, -0.11≤x≤0.325, -0.01≤y≤0.20) was experimentally determined. The microstructure of samples was studied depending on the molar ratio Bi/Ta,Mg and Mg/Ta.
N.A. Zhuk, B.A. Makeev, D.V. Sivkov, V.A. Muravyov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 231-235

The microcrystalline strain ε(P) in highly compressed La3Ni2O7-d superconductor was determined in the pressure range of 1.6 GPa ≤ P ≤ 41.2 GPa. We found that ε(P) has a three-dome shape in this pressure range.

Debye temperature, electron-phonon coupling constant, and three-dome shape of crystalline strain as a function of pressure in highly compressed La3Ni2O7−δ

The microcrystalline strain ε(P) in highly compressed La3Ni2O7-d superconductor was determined in the pressure range of 1.6 GPa ≤ P ≤ 41.2 GPa. We found that ε(P) has a three-dome shape in this pressure range.
E.F. Talantsev, V.V. Chistyakov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 262-268

Variations of measured disorientations distinctly increase at too high scanning steps owing to the contribution of interfacial GND. Accordingly, to derive SSD density from a slope of disorientation dependence on the scanning step, the latter is properly limited.

Dependence of measured crystal curvature on EBSD scanning step to derive density of statistically stored dislocations

Variations of measured disorientations distinctly increase at too high scanning steps owing to the contribution of interfacial GND. Accordingly, to derive SSD density from a slope of disorientation dependence on the scanning step, the latter is properly limited.
A.A. Zisman, N.Y. Zolotorevsky, S.N. Petrov
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Year: 2024 Volume: 14     Issue: 3 Pages: 269-273