Effect of discrete breathers on plasticity and strength of crystals

V.I. Dubinko, A.V. Dubinko, S.V. Dmitriev show affiliations and emails
Accepted  12 October 2013
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: V.I. Dubinko, A.V. Dubinko, S.V. Dmitriev. Effect of discrete breathers on plasticity and strength of crystals. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(3) 239-247
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2013-3-239-247


Models of the dislocation interaction with discrete breathers (DB) are considered. Large amplitude oscillations of atoms about their equilibrium positions in the lattice cause time-periodic modulations of the potential barriers for the dislocation unpinning from obstacles, which can facilitate plastic deformation severely under sufficiently high DB concentration. Such conditions can be realized under irradiation of crystals with swift particles or under sufficiently high temperatures. The models are compared with experimental data on several metals. Possible role of discrete breathers in thermally activated fracture of graphene under tensile load is discussed

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