Nanocomposite thin-film structures based on a polyelectrolyte complex of chitosan and chitosan succinamide with SWCNT

R.B. Salikhov, R.A. Zilberg ORCID logo , E.O. Bulysheva, A.D. Ostaltsova, T.R. Salikhov, Y.B. Teres show affiliations and emails
Received 21 December 2022; Accepted 11 April 2023;
Citation: R.B. Salikhov, R.A. Zilberg, E.O. Bulysheva, A.D. Ostaltsova, T.R. Salikhov, Y.B. Teres. Nanocomposite thin-film structures based on a polyelectrolyte complex of chitosan and chitosan succinamide with SWCNT. Lett. Mater., 2023, 13(2) 132-137


Cyclic voltammograms and Nyquist diagrams, SEM images of microstructures of film samplesThe article is devoted to the study of nanocomposite thin films based on a polyelectrolyte complex of chitosan and chitosan succinamide (PEC). Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) were used as fillers. Using the methods of cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, it was found that nanocomposite films have a larger effective surface area and electron transfer rate compared to polyelectrolyte complex films, which allows them to be further used in the electroanalysis of substances of various nature. The study of the surface of the nanocomposite structure of PEC with SWCNT using SEM showed that there are formations in the form of filaments formed by carbon nanotubes on it. Studying the nature of morphology is extremely important when creating sensory devices. Sensory sensitivity of resistive thin-film nanocomposite structures to air humidity and ammonia vapors was found. Based on these nanocomposite materials, samples of resistive thin-film structures were prepared, the dependences of the flowing current on the relative humidity of the air and the concentration of ammonia vapors were measured.

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1. Russian Science Foundation - The research was funded with the support of a state assignment (scientific code FZWU-2023-0002) and the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 21-13-00169)