The study of the elastic characteristics of carbon fiber with a 3D structure

V.S. Zhernakov, Y.S. Pervushin, P.V. Solovyev ORCID logo show affiliations and emails
Received 19 December 2018; Accepted 26 February 2019;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: V.S. Zhernakov, Y.S. Pervushin, P.V. Solovyev. The study of the elastic characteristics of carbon fiber with a 3D structure. Lett. Mater., 2019, 9(2) 185-190


The figure shows a modified matrix with piercing threads, on the basis of which a 3D structure is formed.Composite materials are now widely used in aircraft manufacturing, rocket production, shipbuilding, the petroleum and chemical industries. Multilayer composites are the most promising from the viewpoint of controlling their physical and mechanical properties, depending on the direction of external forces during operation. By changing the multilayer composite structure (the number of layers, the angles and the sequence of their stacking, the physical and mechanical properties of the composite components), it is possible to control their physical and mechanical characteristics in a given direction. The article presents the results of an analytical, experimental and finite-element exploration of the influence of a unidirectional spatial reinforcement of carbon fiber composite with cross-piercing on its elastic compliance coefficients and strength characteristics. A literature review of methods for determining the elastic characteristics of composite materials (CM) with 3D (spatial) structures is given. Methods of determining elastic characteristics of spatially reinforced composites described in the literature are based on the principle of splitting them into layers, in which a unidirectional layer characterized by nine elastic parameters is taken as the basis: three elastic moduli along the main axes of elastic symmetry E1, E2, E3, three shear moduli G12, G23, G13 and three Poisson coefficients ν12, ν23, ν13. From the analysis of the literature sources, it has been established that in determining the compliance coefficients of spatially reinforced composite materials, only the volume fraction of the reinforcing material and its elastic characteristics are taken into account. Studies of the stress-strain state of the matrix modified with a piercing thread showed that its elastic characteristics, in addition to the piercing thread volume content, were influenced by the geometrical parameters of the insertion, the elastic characteristics of the piercing thread impregnated with the matrix material, and the stress concentration on its boundary. This influence occurs in all ways of creating spatial structures formed by a system of three threads. The article also presents the results of the experimental determination of the spatially reinforced CM elastic characteristics and its comparison with the theoretical components of the elastic compliance tensor of a unidirectionally reinforced CM.

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