A.S. Shchukin, A.V. Scherbakov, A.E. Sytschev, V.A. Shcherbakov show affiliations and emails
Received 19 April 2018; Accepted 03 June 2018;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: A.S. Shchukin, A.V. Scherbakov, A.E. Sytschev, V.A. Shcherbakov. SYNTHESIS OF COMPOSITE BASED W-Ni-AL SYSTEM BY THE ELECTRO-THERMAL EXPLOSION UNDER PRESSURE. Lett. Mater., 2018, 8(3) 274-277


On the presented time dependences of pressure change and electrical resistance of the sample during the ETE of the reaction mixture W-Ni-Al, it is evident that the preheating time was 2.6 seconds, and the duration of the thermal explosion stage was 0.5 seconds.The experimental results of study the W– 10NiAl composite produced by means an electro-thermal explosion method (ETE) under pressure are presented. The basis of the ETE method is Joule heating of the sample pressed from the tungsten, nickel and aluminum powders, and consolidation of the hot synthesized product under pressure. For the first time, the possibility of synthesizing of W-10NiAl composites by the ETV method under pressure has been demonstrated. The formation of the phase composition, microstructure, and physico-mechanical characteristics of the synthesized composite were studied. It is shown that fast heating of the sample by the passing of electric current at the stage of pre-explosive heating (2.6 seconds) and thermal explosion (0.5 seconds) allowed synthesizing the composite and consolidating it to the minimum residual porosity. Short-term sample heating and high rate of exothermic synthesis resulted to avoid recrystallization of tungsten grains. Despite the high heating temperature (16000C), the tungsten grain size in the synthesized composite corresponds to the size of the initial tungsten particles in the reaction mixture. We find out that under the influence of an external load, deformation of tungsten grains occurs, as a result of which contact areas (contact zones) are formed on the surface of tungsten grains. The synthesized composite has high physical and mechanical properties: density - 15.7 kg/mm3, open porosity - less than 0.2%, compressive strength is 2400 ÷ 2600 MPa. Fracture surface of composite has mainly an intergrain character. Composite microhardness (Hµ) is 4.8 GPa.

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