About self-organizing pores in polymeric films with titanium dioxide and microadding of boehmite

Accepted  09 June 2015
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: N.M. Antonova. About self-organizing pores in polymeric films with titanium dioxide and microadding of boehmite. Lett. Mater., 2015, 5(2) 225-229
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2015-2-225-229


The opportunity was considered of transformation and ordering of a structure in a process of self-organizing in film composites with addition of nanosized particles. The opportunity was shown of generation ordered cells-holes in films generated on fluoroplastic  backings with addition of nanoparticles of boehmite (AlOOH) in polymeric suspensions of sodiym-carboxymethylcellulose with a plasticiser of glycerin and titanium dioxide’s powder. Morphological features of obtained vesicular structures were explored using  raster-electron microscopy technique. Values of surface tension were determined using ring method DuNouy in filled suspensions and an influence of addition of boehmite on it’s size was investigated. Values of a contact angle, value of work of adhesion, cohesion and energy of wetting in suspensions were calculated. Features of self-organizing were explored in composite systems with microparticles of titanium dioxide and nanoparticles of boehmite. The value of selective Shannon entropy was used for estimation of degree of order. Correlation of minimum variability of Shannon entropy was determined with generation of homogeneous cells by comparison. Selective Shannon entropy assumes a minimum  value Н=1,173 and a value of surface tension σ = 78,1 mn/m. Combinations of correlations of components were determined consisting of system with nanosized boehmites’ particles and a titanium dioxide  filling material, which enables generation homogeneous pores by by comparison with radius ≈300 µm: С sodiym-carboxymethylcellulose=100,00 g;  С glycerin =3,25 g;  С filling material =2,50g;  Сboehmite=0,15 g. The simple approach by comparison was proposed wich allow to generate vesicular composite materials with low temperature 50-60 degrees. It is possible to use obtained materials as reinforcing element, sorbing agent, abrasive materials, backings for upsetting of contact substance.

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