The characteristics of Al nanoparticle formation from Al microparticles in polymer suspensions based on Na-CMC

Н.М. Антонова, А.П. Бабичев show affiliations and emails
Accepted  24 April 2013
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: Н.М. Антонова, А.П. Бабичев. The characteristics of Al nanoparticle formation from Al microparticles in polymer suspensions based on Na-CMC. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(2) 83-86


The values of activation energy for viscous flow of suspensions with microparticles of Al having sizes less than 40 and 10 mm in water solutions of Na-carboxymethylcel cellulose polymer are calculated. With a decrease of the Al particle sizes the activation energy decreases, the hydrogen bonds are broken that is confirmed by the methods of infrared spectroscopy. It is shown that Al containing nanoparticles formed in suspensions have a morphology of tubular structures with sizes about 150 nm and are agglomerated to bulk structures with sizes up to 1.5 mm.

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