Scroll structure of carbon nanotubes obtained by the hydrothermal synthesis

E.A. Belenkov, F.K. Shabiev show affiliations and emails
Received 06 April 2015; Accepted 26 June 2015;
Citation: E.A. Belenkov, F.K. Shabiev. Scroll structure of carbon nanotubes obtained by the hydrothermal synthesis. Lett. Mater., 2015, 5(4) 459-462


The structure of multilayer carbon nanotubes was studied by means of X-ray diffraction and elector microscopy.An example of  scanning electron microscopic image of carbon material heated up to 800 °C and following cooling in distilled water is presented. The outlined rectangular zone A contains scrolled structureIn this paper there were studied the structure of multilayer carbon nanotubes by methods of X-ray diffraction and elector microscopy. Carbon nanotubes were obtained by hydrothermal synthesis. Molecular mechanics methods (MM+) were used in model calculations. It is revealed that graphene layers form the structure of scrolled carbon nanotubes as a result of junction hydrogen atoms and/or hydroxyl groups to the graphene layers. As a result it is revealed that the amount of the tubular nanostructures obtained by hydrothermal synthesis is less than 1 ÷ 2% of the initial amount of graphite.

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