Effect of severe plastic deformation on martensitic transformations in a metastable austenitic steel

G.V. Klevtsov, R.Z. Valiev, N.A. Klevtsova, N.A. Enikeev ORCID logo , I.N. Pigaleva, M.M. Abramova ORCID logo , O.A. Frolova show affiliations and emails
Received 15 August 2023; Accepted 16 October 2023;
Citation: G.V. Klevtsov, R.Z. Valiev, N.A. Klevtsova, N.A. Enikeev, I.N. Pigaleva, M.M. Abramova, O.A. Frolova. Effect of severe plastic deformation on martensitic transformations in a metastable austenitic steel. Lett. Mater., 2023, 13(4s) 397-402
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2023-4-397-402


The distribution of microhardness (HV 0.5) and the average amount of γ-, α- and ε-martensite in a sample made of steel Fe-0.02C-18Cr-8Ni after SPDT (a) and the distribution of α-martensite under the ductile static fracture surface of steel after ECAP (b, c)We study the effect of high-pressure torsion (HPT) and equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) on martensitic transformations in the metastable austenitic steel Fe-0.02C-18Cr-8Ni, as well as the regularities of martensitic transformations in plastic zones under the surface of static fractures in the coarse-grained (CG) and ultrafine-grained (UFG) steel. The volume content of martensitic phases was determined by the X-ray method. It has been established that, as a result of HPT, the steel experiences martensitic transformations according to the γ → ε → α mechanism, and during the static fracture of steel both in the initial state and after ECAP — to the γ → α mechanism. The amount of α-martensite in plastic zones under the surface of static fractures decreases from the surface to the depth of the samples, and the depth to which α-martensite extends coincides with the depth of plastic zones under the fracture surfaces.

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