Evolution of the structure and physical-mechanical properties of metastable steel after surface frictional treatment with varying loading on the indenter

E.A. Putilova ORCID logo , L.S. Goruleva ORCID logo , S.M. Zadvorkin, P.A. Skorynina, R.A. Savrai ORCID logo , K.D. Krucheva show affiliations and emails
Received 15 February 2023; Accepted 03 April 2023;
Citation: E.A. Putilova, L.S. Goruleva, S.M. Zadvorkin, P.A. Skorynina, R.A. Savrai, K.D. Krucheva. Evolution of the structure and physical-mechanical properties of metastable steel after surface frictional treatment with varying loading on the indenter. Lett. Mater., 2023, 13(3) 191-196
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2023-3-191-196


The structure and properties of AISI 321 steel depends on the level of normal load on the indenter during frictional treatment. Friction treatment with a sliding indenter leads to the formation of a gradient structure with a depth of up to 500 µm.The study covered changes in the microstructure and physical-mechanical properties of AISI 321 corrosion-resistant steel after frictional treatment of the surface by a sliding semi-spherical indenter with varying loads on the indenter. The maximum load was found, for which the amount of the formed strain-induced martensite was the highest and did not change. It was shown that such frictional treatment formed a gradient structure whose maximum depth of the modified layer at the maximum indenter load of 400 N was about 450 µm. Hardness, amounts of strain-induced martensite, and magnetic parameters depending on the normal indenter loading after frictional treatment were well aligned with each other.

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1. This study was performed within the state order - no. AAAA-A18‑118020790148‑1