Transformation of the structure in hard magnetic alloy 30Kh8K during complex loading by tension and torsion

Received  28 June 2012; Accepted  06 July 2012
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: G.F. Korznikova. Transformation of the structure in hard magnetic alloy 30Kh8K during complex loading by tension and torsion. Lett. Mater., 2012, 2(3) 126-130


Three conditions of loading by tension and torsion are com-pared. It is established, that torsion is more resistant to loca-tion of deformation than tension. It is shown, that loading by tension and torsion may be used for processing of cylindrical workpieces of Fe-Cr-Co based hard magnetic alloys both with gradient and uniform microcrystalline structure.

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