Variation in the yield point of differentially quenched rails at severe plastic deformation

A.A. Yuriev, A.M. Glezer, V.E. Gromov, V.E. Kormyshev, Y.F. Ivanov, A.P. Semin show affiliations and emails
Received 10 November 2020; Accepted 21 December 2020;
Citation: A.A. Yuriev, A.M. Glezer, V.E. Gromov, V.E. Kormyshev, Y.F. Ivanov, A.P. Semin. Variation in the yield point of differentially quenched rails at severe plastic deformation. Lett. Mater., 2021, 11(1) 100-103


Diagram of sample preparation in making steel subjects of research by methods of transmission electron microscopy.Regularities and mechanisms of the formation of structural-phase states and properties at different depths in the railheads along the central axis and fillet after differential quenching of 100‑meter rails and extremely long operation (passed tonnage 1411 million tons gross weight) have been revealed by the methods of the modern material science. It has been shown that differential quenching is accompanied by the formation of a morphologically multi-aspect structure presented by grains of lamellar perlite, ferrite-carbide mixture and structure-free ferrite. It has been shown that extremely long operation of rails is accompanied by numerous transformations of the metal structure of the rail head. Based on the analysis of the evolution of structural phase states along different directions in the head of 100‑meter differentially quenched rails after a passed tonnage of 1411 million tons and an estimation of the contributions into the strengthening of surface layers, the dependence of the total yield point on the distance to the surface along the central axis and the symmetry axis of fillet is revealed. During long-term operation of rails, the degradation of the lamellar pearlite structure occurs in a layer with a thickness of ≈10 mm. A submicron- and nano-sized subgrain structure is formed in the surface layer. It is shown that the failure of the rail metal will take place in the surface layer of fillet, where the critical level of the structure is formed.

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