The influence of multi-axis isothermal forging on structure and properties of low carbon steel 12GBA

S.N. Sergeev, I.M. Safarov, A.V. Korznikov, R.M. Galeyev, S.V. Gladkovsky, E.M. Borodin show affiliations and emails
Received 11 May 2012; Accepted 14 June 2012;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: S.N. Sergeev, I.M. Safarov, A.V. Korznikov, R.M. Galeyev, S.V. Gladkovsky, E.M. Borodin. The influence of multi-axis isothermal forging on structure and properties of low carbon steel 12GBA. Lett. Mater., 2012, 2(3) 117-120


The submicrocryctalline structure of the low carbon steel 12GBA was processed by multi-axis isothermal forging. The average size of grain was equal to 0,3 microns. The submicrocryctalline state of steel has three times higher strength than the initial coarse-grained state and allowable ductility and impact strength at once. Subsequent annealing lead to slight lowering strength and rising ductility. It is shown the submi-crocryctalline state of steel 12GBA has higher impact strength than the coarse-grained state at negative temperatures.

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