Stability and post-critical behavior of graphene sheet under homogeneous plane strain

J.A. Baimova, A.V. Savin show affiliations and emails
Received 23 September 2011; Accepted 17 October 2011;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: J.A. Baimova, A.V. Savin. Stability and post-critical behavior of graphene sheet under homogeneous plane strain. Lett. Mater., 2011, 1(3) 171-175


During last few years there has been growing interest of re-searchers to the effect of elastic strain on mechanical and physical properties of graphene. In this work, by means of molecular dynamics simulations, neglecting the effects of thermal fluctuations and boundary conditions, the stability region of flat graphene was found in the three-dimensional space of plane strain components. Density of phonon states of graphene under elastic strain was calculated and the post-critical behavior was analyzed. Results obtained with the use of two different interatomic potentials were compared, and only quantitative but not qualitative differences were re-vealed.

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