The study of antifriction aluminum alloys, containing iron, before and after tribological tests

O.O. Shcherbakova, T.I. Muravyeva, D.L. Zagorskiy show affiliations and emails
Received 20 November 2017; Accepted 14 February 2018;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: O.O. Shcherbakova, T.I. Muravyeva, D.L. Zagorskiy. The study of antifriction aluminum alloys, containing iron, before and after tribological tests. Lett. Mater., 2018, 8(2) 123-128


In this work, a study was made of changes in the surface and near-surface layers of the material during friction to assess the effect of the composition and structure of the antifriction iron-containing aluminum alloy on its tribological properties.Experimental aluminum alloys with the addition of iron, which model the materials obtained with the addition of recyclables, were investigated. The use of the recyclable (silumin waste, production waste, remelting of canned scrap, etc.) seems to be promising for the national economy. In the work, the alloy of the Al-6% Sn-5% Si-4% Cu (mass. %) system was used as a base, to which iron ( 1%) and other elements (bismuth, lead, manganese) were added. The samples under investigation were subjected to heat treatment: heating (up to 500 ° C) and cooling in various regimes. It was shown that the best results are achieved with cooling in water: the phases are spheroidized and improve properties. Complex method of microscopy, including optical, electronic (with X-ray spectral microanalysis), and probe microscopy. was used, in order to study alloys before and after tribological tests . An investigation of the initial structure of the samples showed that the combined addition of iron with manganese (0.5%) leads to the formation of favorable skeletal phases. The tribological tests without lubrication which modeled the extreme conditions of operation were carried out. These experiments showed that the investigated alloy has an increased wear resistance, which can be associated with the formation of skeletal phases. After tribological tests, significant changes in the structure and phase components at the surface and in the near-surface layer were observed. For the study of this layer, an oblique cut was made, on which near-surface area with a thickness of 50-100 μm was detected.

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