Influence of mechanical activation on the structure of SHS-produced composite

V.A. Shcherbakov, A.N. Gryadunov, S.G. Vadchenko, A.V. Samokhin show affiliations and emails
Received  27 August 2014; Accepted  03 March 2015
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: V.A. Shcherbakov, A.N. Gryadunov, S.G. Vadchenko, A.V. Samokhin. Influence of mechanical activation on the structure of SHS-produced composite. Lett. Mater., 2015, 5(1) 70-73


The work is devoted to study influence of duration and energy ball mixing the reaction mixture containing nanoparticles TN as modifying additives, on the SHS-compacting ceramic composite based on titanium and chromium borides. It had been shown that the high energy mixing the reaction mixture led to significant decreasing particle sizes both metal particles Ti, Cr and nanoparticles TiN. Duration of energy mixing of the reaction mixture has a significant impact on structure formation ceramic composites was shown. It is shown that evaporation of TiN nanoparticles in the combustion wave led to formation vapors of titanium and nitrogen. It was proposed the mechanism of structure formation the ceramic SHS-composite, in which particles of titanium nitride were formed on the surface pores in result interacting of gaseous nitrogen with drops of liquid titanium.

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