The thermal effect of deformation during the ECAP processing of the Cu-0.6Cr alloy

D.A. Aksenov, R.N. Asfandiyarov, G.I. Raab, M.P. Baryshnikov show affiliations and emails
Received 10 November 2020; Accepted 10 January 2021;
Citation: D.A. Aksenov, R.N. Asfandiyarov, G.I. Raab, M.P. Baryshnikov. The thermal effect of deformation during the ECAP processing of the Cu-0.6Cr alloy. Lett. Mater., 2021, 11(1) 95-99


Investigation of deformation heating during ECAP using the Deform-3D complex for mathematical modeling.The work is aimed at solving the problem of determining the magnitude of the thermal effect arising in an alloy of the Cu-Cr system in the process of deformation by the ECAP method. For this, an approach was used based on the analysis of temperature and physical and mechanical characteristics of a unit volume of metal subjected to upsetting carried out on the Gleeble 3500 physical modeling complex. Upsetting was carried out at the degree of accumulated strain of e =1.1 at different rates of deformation (3, 30, 300 mm / s) and initial temperatures (20, 400 and 800°С). Based on the results obtained, a database was created for modeling in the Deform-3D system. The analysis of the heat capacity value is carried out and the contribution of the structural component to the used heat capacity coefficient in the Deform-3D system is estimated. Further, the ECAP process was modeled and the analysis of thermal fields and stress-strain state was carried out. It is shown that at a deformation rate of 30 mm / s, the heating reaches 99°C at room temperature and 63°C and at 400°C. The difference between the heating temperatures, with and without taking into account the heat transfer between the sample and the tooling, does not exceed 8 %.

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