Preparation of the ZrB2–CrB composites by pressure-assisted electrothermal exploison

A.V. Shcherbakov, V.A. Shcherbakov, V.Y. Barinov show affiliations and emails
Received 09 October 2018; Accepted 13 December 2018;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: A.V. Shcherbakov, V.A. Shcherbakov, V.Y. Barinov. Preparation of the ZrB2–CrB composites by pressure-assisted electrothermal exploison. Lett. Mater., 2019, 9(1) 39-44


Dependencies of temperature and rate of change electric current during at ETE at (Cr+B) content: 1) 90; 2) 80; 3) 70 % wt., obtained at P=96 MPa and U=11 V.The paper presents the results of studies on the preparation of composites ZrB2-CrB by the method of electrothermal explosion (ETE) in the conditions of quasi-isostatic compression. The sample under study was pressed from a mixture of zirconium, chromium and boron powders and heated to the burning point by a direct transmission of electric current. In this case, the thermal equilibrium is broken due to a heat release from the exothermic reaction of the synthesis of refractory compounds ZrB2 and CrB. Duration of ETE of the heterogeneous mixture is a few seconds. Under the influence of an external load, the hot product of ETE is consolidated and a dense SHS composite is formed. Adiabatic combustion temperature and equilibrium final product compositions are calculated on the basis of thermodynamic data. The dependence of the adiabatic combustion temperature on the composition and initial temperature is shown. The experimental dependences of the temperature of the test sample and the rate of change of the electric current during the ETE on the composition of the reaction mixture are presented. With an increase in the content of zirconium in the mixture, the time of pre-explosive heating and the rate of temperature growth in a thermal explosion increase, and the burning temperature and the maximum temperature of the ETE do not change. The conditions of the thermal explosion regime of the studied compositions are determined. When the content (Zr + 2B) in the mixture is more than 30 % wt., the Joule heating and thermal explosion of the sample does not occur due to the high dielectric permittivity of the oxide film on the surface of the zirconium particles. The phase composition and microstructure of SHS composites are studied. It is shown that in the course of exothermic synthesis an equilibrium product containing solid ZrB2 (dispersed phase) and molten CrB (ceramic bond) is formed. SHS-composites containing 70 – 90 % wt. of monoboride chrome are obtained.

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