The effect of modification of nickel interlayer surface on the uniformity of deformation at pressure welding of titanium alloy and stainless steel

R. Khazgaliev, M. Imayev, R. Mulyukov, F. Safin show affiliations and emails
Accepted  26 May 2015
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: R. Khazgaliev, M. Imayev, R. Mulyukov, F. Safin. The effect of modification of nickel interlayer surface on the uniformity of deformation at pressure welding of titanium alloy and stainless steel. Lett. Mater., 2015, 5(2) 133-137


Abstract. Uniformity of deformation in bonding zone during pressure welding of titanium alloy to stainless steel with nickel interlayer was studied. It was shown that in the case of flat surfaces the stagnant zones in the center of the samples are formed and formation of bonds takes place non-uniformly: edges of the samples are seized, while in the center the welded surfaces seizing is weak. This phenomenon is due to the fact that as a result of interdiffusion and forming of chemical bonds the friction force increases dramatically, resulting in a deformation localized on periphery of the samples. Formation of stagnant zones and non-uniform bonding reduce the quality of welding. For delocalization of deformation along welded surfaces the modification of nickel surface by creation of periodic system of small projections was proposed. The effect of such modification on the uniformity of deformation at pressure welding was simulated. It was shown small cavities are formed in the contact zone when the surfaces of connected materials to be modified by projections. Forming for τ = 35 min at width to height ratio of the projections S/h = 2/5 on nickel surfaces provides the most uniform distribution of deformation and complete elimination of residual cavities on bonded surfaces titanium alloy – nickel and stainless steel – nickel.

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