Investigation fracture toughness on Beryllium. Part 2

P.I. Stoev, I.I. Papirov, A.A. Nikolaenko show affiliations and emails
Received  16 August 2013; Accepted  30 August 2013
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: P.I. Stoev, I.I. Papirov, A.A. Nikolaenko. Investigation fracture toughness on Beryllium. Part 2. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(4) 295-299


In the second part of work, researches result of structure of rupture in various zones of destruction of samples of beryllium which tested for definition of fracture toughness of a material are described. In the first part of work results of researches of agency of a various structure factor and heat treatments on fracture toughness of various quality hot-pressed beryllium have been presented.  

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