Low temperature superplasticity of commercial sheets Ti6Al4V titanium alloy

R.M. Kashaev, R.Y. Lutfullin, M.I. Nagimov show affiliations and emails
Received 03 September 2014; Accepted 26 December 2014;
Citation: R.M. Kashaev, R.Y. Lutfullin, M.I. Nagimov. Low temperature superplasticity of commercial sheets Ti6Al4V titanium alloy. Lett. Mater., 2014, 4(4) 261-264
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2014-4-261-264


Superplastic behaviors of sheets out of commercial Ti6Al4V titanium alloy thickness by 1.0mm and 1.5mm were investigated at relatively low temperatures in the field of 650°C - 800°C and at strain rates ranging from 7x10-5s-1 up to 4x10-2s-1. The obtained results show that sheets exhibit excellent low temperature superplasticity

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