Reflection of elastic-plastic waves from rigidly fixed end-parallelepiped

T.D. Karimbayev, S.M. Mamayev show affiliations and emails
Received  19 June 2014; Accepted  08 July 2014
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: T.D. Karimbayev, S.M. Mamayev. Reflection of elastic-plastic waves from rigidly fixed end-parallelepiped. Lett. Mater., 2014, 4(3) 137-140


The problem of elastic-plastic deforming of the parallelepiped, one end of which is produced hit, and the other end hardly-fixed is numerically solved by bicharacteristics technique. The mutual influence of stress waves reflected from fixed, lateral border and dynamic disturbances of the stress-strain state are researched.

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