The role of plastic deformation mechanisms at high temperature sintering of the particles

M.I. Alymov, S.I. Averin, V.S. Shustov, L.V. Gordopolova show affiliations and emails
Received 16 September 2013; Accepted 16 September 2013;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: M.I. Alymov, S.I. Averin, V.S. Shustov, L.V. Gordopolova. The role of plastic deformation mechanisms at high temperature sintering of the particles. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(4) 315-317


The article deals with different mechanisms of sintering powders. It is shown that, when considering the sintering of crystalline particles, the mechanism of viscous flow can be excluded from consideration, and the use of capillary diffusion mechanism of sintering. Since sintering is controlled by diffusion and dislocation mechanism of plastic deformation of the relevant data material, the thermal activation analysis and sintering mechanisms can be considered similar thermal activation analysis of the mechanisms of plastic deformation.

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