Influence of carbon on the structural-phase composition and hardness of steel ingots of the Fe-Cr-Mo-N-C system obtained by the SHS method under nitrogen pressure

M.S. Konovalov, V.I. Lad’yanov, M.I. Mokrushina, V.A. Karev show affiliations and emails
Received 23 August 2022; Accepted 24 January 2023;
Citation: M.S. Konovalov, V.I. Lad’yanov, M.I. Mokrushina, V.A. Karev. Influence of carbon on the structural-phase composition and hardness of steel ingots of the Fe-Cr-Mo-N-C system obtained by the SHS method under nitrogen pressure. Lett. Mater., 2023, 13(1) 85-89


Established that at the increase of the mass fraction of carbon from 0.09% to 0.30% in the as-cast metal, the metal hardness increases. At the same time, the structural-phase composition consists of a pseudo-pearlitic structure (ferrite-nitride mixture) and austenitic structure in different ratios since an increase in the carbon content leads to an increase in the amount of the pseudo-pearlite. The heat treatment of specimens with the mass fraction of carbon of 0.09% and 0.30% at 1250 °C for two hours leads to their complete austenization. In this case, the hardness of steels of both compositions decreases to 22 – 24 HRC (0.09 wt.% of carbon) and to 28 – 30 HRC (0.30 wt.% of carbon).The possibility of obtaining solid ingots (without gas porosity in the volume) from high-nitrogen steel of the Fe-Cr-Mo-N-C system by the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis under nitrogen pressure is shown in the present paper. It has been established that with an increase in the mass fraction of carbon from 0.09 % to 0.30 % in the as-cast metal, the hardness of the metal increases. At the same time, the structural-phase composition consists of a pseudo-pearlitic structure (ferrite-nitride mixture) and austenitic structure in different ratios since an increase in the carbon content leads to an increase in the amount of the pseudo-pearlite. The heat treatment of specimens with a mass fraction of carbon of 0.09 % and 0.30 % at 1250°C for two hours leads to their complete austenization. In this case, the hardness of steels of both compositions decreases to 22 – 24 HRC (0.09 wt.% of carbon) and to 28 – 30 HRC (0.30 wt.% of carbon).

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1. The work was performed within the framework of the research topics using the equipment of the Core Facility Centre “Surface and New Materials” of the Udmurt Federal Research Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - No. 121030100001-3