Characteristics of elastic anisotropy of Ti-Ni crystals with shape memory and their relation to extreme values of the Poisson's ratio

Received 22 September 2020; Accepted 06 November 2020;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: S.A. Muslov. Characteristics of elastic anisotropy of Ti-Ni crystals with shape memory and their relation to extreme values of the Poisson's ratio. Lett. Mater., 2021, 11(1) 28-32


The value and relationship between the degree of elastic anisotropy and the Poisson's ratio of Ti-Ni alloy crystals are analyzed on the basis of our own and literature data obtained experimentally and computationally from the first principles. The elastic anisotropy of Ti-Ni crystals can be determined based on numerical differences in the extreme values of μ as Aµ = / µmax - µmin|/<μ>. A strong correlation was established between the elastic anisotropy coefficient A and the factor Aµ (the correlation coefficient 0.9871).The study of physical and mechanical properties can shed light on the picture of martensitic transitions in materials that control the unique effects of shape memory and superelasticity. Martensitic transformations in metals and alloys are based on shear-type deformation processes, so the study of their elastic behavior contains important information about the nature and mechanisms of these phase transitions. In this report, we analyze the value and relationship between the degree of elastic anisotropy and the Poisson's ratio of Ti-Ni alloy crystals based on our own and literature data obtained experimentally and computationally from the first principles. A significant variability of the elastic anisotropy coefficient A of Ti-Ni crystals was established, which is due to the apparently elastic “softening” of the alloy lattice on the eve of martensitic transformations (especially the constant c44). The minimum Poisson's ratio of Ti-Ni crystals is −0.25. The maximum value of μ was 1.10, which is higher than the theoretical limit for polycrystals. Extreme values of µ were achieved for directions when the stretch is oriented along the direction <110>, i. e. diagonals of the cube face. The mean <μ> was found to be 0.41. Ti-Ni based alloys can be considered as partial auxetic — materials with negative Poisson's ratio in some directions, that is, have μ < 0 when choosing some directions and be an ordinary material with positive μ for other directions. The elastic anisotropy of Ti-Ni crystals can be determined based on the numerical differences in the extreme values of μ as Aμ = |μmax−μmin| / <μ>. A strong correlation was established between the elastic anisotropy coefficient A and the factor Aμ (the correlation coefficient 0.9871). The parameters of the linear dependence of the reduced anisotropy factor Aμ* =1.33779Aμ + 0.18542, for which Aμ* = A.

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