Study of the Domain Structure of Pure Ferromagnets by the Method of Lorentz Electron Microscopy

K.Y. Mulyukov, G.F. Korznikova show affiliations and emails
Received 13 December 2012; Accepted 20 December 2012;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: K.Y. Mulyukov, G.F. Korznikova. Study of the Domain Structure of Pure Ferromagnets by the Method of Lorentz Electron Microscopy. Lett. Mater., 2012, 2(4) 181-185


Lorentz electron microscopy was used to analyze the domain structure in few ferromagnets (pure Ni, Fe, Co) with ultrafine grained structure produced by high pressure torsion. The comparative analysis allows to conclude about the governing role of magnetic anisotropy constants For low anisotropic ferromagnets it has been established, that the domain structure does not depend strongly on grain size.

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