Formation of structural states in mechanically activated powder mixtures Ti + Al exposed to gamma irradiation

M.V. Loginova, V.I. Yakovlev, V.Y. Filimonov, A.A. Sitnikov, A.V. Sobachkin, S.G. Ivanov, A.V. Gradoboev show affiliations and emails
Received 11 October 2017; Accepted 04 December 2017;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: M.V. Loginova, V.I. Yakovlev, V.Y. Filimonov, A.A. Sitnikov, A.V. Sobachkin, S.G. Ivanov, A.V. Gradoboev. Formation of structural states in mechanically activated powder mixtures Ti + Al exposed to gamma irradiation. Lett. Mater., 2018, 8(2) 129-134


In this paper by X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy was made experimental study of structural state changes in components of mechanically activated Ti + Al powder mixture, irradiated with γ-quanta 60Co.In this paper an experimental study of structural state changes in components of mechanically activated Ti + Al powder mixture was made, irradiated with γ-quanta 60Co. As a research object titanium powder with an average particle size of 80 μm and aluminum powder with an average size of 20 μm were selected. The initial mixture corresponded to stoichiometric composition of compound TiAl (Ti-36 wt.% Al) .A planetary ball mill AGO-2 was used for mechanical activation of powder mixture. Level of impact of γ-quanta was determined by absorbed doses Dγ [Gy], which increased during experiment from 1103 to 2104 Gy. The dependencies between structure parameters, sizes of coherent scattering regions, microstrains of components of mechanically activated mixture and absorbed dose were established. The influence of γ-irradiation on structural state of the components of mechanically activated mixture depends on irradiation dose. Irradiation with γ-quanta of mechanically activated Ti + Al mixture leads to partial annealing of defects in considered range of absorbed dose , while nanosized scale of coherent scattering of crystallites is preserved. The changes in characteristic microstructure of Ti + Al powder mixture were established depending on absorbed dose of γ-quanta. Small fragments of composites with irregular shape gradually disappeared with increasing radiation dose, but large particles formed, their shapes became more rounded. Particles coagulate in accordance with radiation sintering mechanism, the system had tendency to enlarge structure elements; the structure of mechanical composites became more uniform, both due to low-temperature sintering, and due to influence of γ-irradiation.

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