The effect of aluminum nitride nanoparticles on the structure, phase composition and properties of materials of the Ti-B-Fe system obtained by SHS-extrusion

A.V. Bolotskaia, M.V. Mikheev, P.M. Bazhin, A.M. Stolin show affiliations and emails
Received 05 July 2019; Accepted 28 October 2019;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: A.V. Bolotskaia, M.V. Mikheev, P.M. Bazhin, A.M. Stolin. The effect of aluminum nitride nanoparticles on the structure, phase composition and properties of materials of the Ti-B-Fe system obtained by SHS-extrusion. Lett. Mater., 2020, 10(1) 43-47


It has been established that under shear deformation during SHS extrusion, the modification of Ti – B – Fe with small additions of nano-sized aluminum nitride powder leads to the refinement of the grain structure of the material. As a result of a decrease in the grain of the main phase, the microhardness of the material increases, on average, by 10%.The SHS-extrusion method, which combines the combustion processes in the mode of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and the subsequent high temperature shear deformation of the combustion products, was used to obtain metal-ceramic composite materials based on titanium boride with an iron matrix modified by additives of nanoaluminum nitride of grade SHS-Az. It was shown that small additions of nanoscale aluminum nitride powder (3 and 5 wt.%) to the initial mixture of the Ti-B-Fe system had a significant effect on the temperature and combustion rate of the system: the combustion rate decreased from 16 to 9 mm / s and the combustion temperature from 1830 –1900°C to 1730 –1780°C. The results of X-ray phase analysis showed that the modifying AlN nanopowder decomposed during the SHS process and interacted with titanium and iron matrix forming additional phases of TiN and AlFe3. This is the main cause of the reduction of the temperature and combustion rate during synthesis. A refinement of the grains of titanium diboride in the modified samples from 0.5 – 2.5 μm to 0.1–1.5 μm was observed using a scanning electron microscope. Microhardness measurements showed that the obtained compact metal-ceramic materials modified with the nanoscale AlN powder had 10 % higher microhardness values compared to samples without additives.

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