Kinematic Features of Viscous Flow of Amorphous Materials During an Equal Channel Multiple-Angle Extrusion Through a 2-Turn Rectangular Die

A.V. Perig, N.N. Golodenko, I.G. Zhbankov, I.I. Boiko, A.A. Sitnik show affiliations and emails
Received 26 November 2011; Accepted 16 December 2011;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: A.V. Perig, N.N. Golodenko, I.G. Zhbankov, I.I. Boiko, A.A. Sitnik. Kinematic Features of Viscous Flow of Amorphous Materials During an Equal Channel Multiple-Angle Extrusion Through a 2-Turn Rectangular Die. Lett. Mater., 2011, 1(4) 217-221


Key energy-power parameters of an Equal Channel Multiple-Angle Extrusion process, theoretical material flow patterns through a 2-turn rectangular die and dynamics of macroscopic rotation formation in amorphous materials have been determined with a numerical finite-difference solution of the curl transfer equation for planar flow of viscous incompressible continua. Good agreement between theoretical and averaged experimental results was found within the scope of physical simulation.

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Cited by (1)

Alexander V. Perig, Nikolai N. Golodenko. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies. 5(4), 617 (2019). Crossref

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