Effect of manganese and zirconium additions on the structure and superplasticity of AK4-1 type alloys

А.Д. Котов, А.В. Михайловская, В.К. Портной show affiliations and emails
Accepted  24 April 2013
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: А.Д. Котов, А.В. Михайловская, В.К. Портной. Effect of manganese and zirconium additions on the structure and superplasticity of AK4-1 type alloys. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(2) 118-121
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2013-2-118-121


The grain structure and superplasticity of sheets of alloys Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni with 0,25 % Zr and both with 0,25%Zr and 0,8%Mn were investigated. It is shown that alloying of zirconium provides the average grain size in alloy of 2,5 µm, and the alloying simultaneously Zr and Mn - 5,2 µm. The value of the optimal rate of superplastic deformation of the alloy with 0,25 % Zr - 3∙10-3 s-1, with 0,25%Zr and 0,8%Mn - 1∙10-3 s–1, and elongation at optimum strain rate – 720 % and 320 %, respectively. It is shown that annealing in saltpeter before superplastic deformation provides a finer grain. Consequently, the maximum m shifts to higher strain rate, the elongation increases and the flow stress is reduced.

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