Structural changes during superplastic deformation of alloys of Al-Mg-Mn-Cr system

О.А. Яковцева, А.В. Михайловская, В.К. Портной show affiliations and emails
Accepted  24 April 2013
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: О.А. Яковцева, А.В. Михайловская, В.К. Портной. Structural changes during superplastic deformation of alloys of Al-Mg-Mn-Cr system. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(2) 122-125


Microstructure and superplasticity characteristics of Al–4,9 % Mg–0,6 %Mn и Al–4,9 %Mg–0,6 % Mn–0,25 % Cr alloys were studied. Grain structure and surface-relief changes during superplastic deformation were analyzed. The contribution of the grain boundary sliding to the total strain was determined.

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