The Strengthening of the Mg-Sm-Tb alloys by ultradisperse particles precipitated during decomposition of the supersaturated magnesium solid solution

Л.Л. Рохлин, Е.А. Лукьянова, Т.В. Добаткина show affiliations and emails
Accepted  24 April 2013
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: Л.Л. Рохлин, Е.А. Лукьянова, Т.В. Добаткина. The Strengthening of the Mg-Sm-Tb alloys by ultradisperse particles precipitated during decomposition of the supersaturated magnesium solid solution. Lett. Mater., 2013, 3(2) 64-67


The strengthening effect resulting from the structure transformations during decomposition of the Mg-base supersaturated solid solution in the Mg-Sm-Tb system alloys was studied. It was established, that during aging at 200, 225 and 250ºС the metastable phase β' with orthorhombic crystal lattice and the stable phase Mg24Tb5 precipitated from the supersaturated solid solution at the strengthening stage. The maximum strengthening effect is achieved during aging at 200ºС as a result of the precipitation of the ultradisperse particles of the metastable phase β'. Samarium dissolves presumably into the products of the magnesium solid solution decomposition, which are typical for the Mg-Tb alloys.

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