Simulation of the shock waves propagation through the interface of bipartite bimetallic Ni-Al particles

P.V. Zakharov, G.M. Poletaev, M.D. Starostenkov, A.I. Cherednichenko show affiliations and emails
Received 24 March 2017; Accepted 15 August 2017;
This paper is written in Russian
Citation: P.V. Zakharov, G.M. Poletaev, M.D. Starostenkov, A.I. Cherednichenko. Simulation of the shock waves propagation through the interface of bipartite bimetallic Ni-Al particles. Lett. Mater., 2017, 7(3) 296-302


By the method of molecular dynamics the structural changes in Ni-Al bimetal particles during the passage of shock waves were studied. Investigated the possibility of forming pores near the interphase boundary metals and related effects.By means of molecular dynamics method, structural changes in Ni-Al bimetal particles during the propagation of shock waves were studied. A possibility of pore formation near the interface between the metals was established. It was found that determining factors of the pore formation near a Ni-Al interface were the mutual orientation of the metals, their size and the direction of a shock wave propagation. Two directions of the shock wave propagation were considered. In the first case, the wave was initiated on the Ni side. If the direction of the wave motion coincides with the close-packed direction in the crystal, detachment of a part of the atoms from the Al surface with a subsequent formation of clusters of these atoms was possible. In this case, the surface attained a typical shape with a dimple in the center of the particle. If the shock wave propagates along a not close-packed direction, the main part of its energy dissipated near the metal interface and led to the formation of pore nuclei. The formation of the pores depended mainly on the bimetal particle size. The dependence of the maximum pore size on the linear dimensions of the Ni-Al bipartite bimetal particles was calculated. Time evolution of the pores was studied. In the second case, the shock wave was initiated from the Al side. Similar effects were obtained. However, the pores were formed on the Al but and not on the Ni side. Such a location of the pores was due to a lower binding energy between Al-Al atoms than between Ni-Ni and Ni-Al ones. When the shock wave passed along close-packed directions, the energy was not sufficient to detach the atoms from the Ni side and form clusters of them.

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