Centrifugal SHS-metallurgy of nitrogen steels

V.I. Yukhvid, D.M. Ikornikov, D.E. Andreev ORCID logo , V.N. Sanin, M.I. Alymov, N.V. Sachkova, V.N. Semenova, I.D. Kovalev show affiliations and emails
Received 10 September 2018; Accepted 04 October 2018;
Citation: V.I. Yukhvid, D.M. Ikornikov, D.E. Andreev, V.N. Sanin, M.I. Alymov, N.V. Sachkova, V.N. Semenova, I.D. Kovalev. Centrifugal SHS-metallurgy of nitrogen steels. Lett. Mater., 2018, 8(4) 499-503
BibTex   https://doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2018-4-499-503


Main stage centrifugal SHS-metallurgyThe possibility of obtaining doped nitrided steel by centrifugal SHS-metallurgy at atmospheric pressure is shown. The initial mixture for the production of alloyed cast steel included oxides of iron, manganese, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, silicon, as well as aluminum, chromium and chromium nitride. Experimental studies were carried out on a centrifugal unit under the influence of an overload from 1 to 50g. It is shown that at 1g, combustion is accompanied by a strong sputtering of the mixture. Under the influence of overload, the sputtering is suppressed. Combustion products, cast steel and slag, are divided into 2 layers and have practically no adhesion. Combustion of the mixture is accompanied by intense convective mixing of the combustion products. Gravitational convection of a two-phase melt above the combustion front and the bubbling of gaseous products ensure high completeness of the chemical transformation of the initial mixture and a uniform composition of the steel. The main series of experiments was carried out with an overload of a = 50g. It was shown that in all studied ranges of the concentrations of Cr and Cr2N, the mixtures retain the ability to burn and are well separated. The introduction of chromium nitride into the initial mixture makes it possible to obtain nitrided steel with a nitrogen content of up to 0.3 – 0.4 wt %. According to the X-ray phase analysis, steel has a γ-Fe lattice. The displacement of the peaks and their broadening indicate the dissolution of the alloying elements in γ-Fe. Steel has a grain structure with narrow boundaries between the grains. Point selections localized in grains and at boundaries were also detected. From the analysis of the elements distribution in the steel and the composition of structural components, it follows that the base of steel is formed from the solution of Cr, Mn and Ni in Fe; narrow grain boundaries are formed from a solution of Fe, Mn, Mo and V in Cr; point selections predominantly contain Mn and Mo.

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